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This is impossible!

At first, you just stare straight ahead at the Sage. This is unbelieveable. It's just too crazy to actually be happening. "No..." you say quietly. "No, this...this can't be happening..." You turn and run out of the temple. You throw yourself to the ground at the base of the steps, clutching your head, repeating "This can't be real" to yourself under your breath.

/Oh, but it is real/ comes the voice. /And whether you want to admit it or not, you are female now, and you must accept it./

'No,' you respond mentally. 'No! Who are you?! Get out of my head!'

/I already told you. I am you. Or rather, I am the female you, born in your mind when the ritual in the castle determined you were to be female. I exist to ensure that you are completely female in mind and body./

'No! I can't accept that!'

/This is your place in this world, and you have to accept it. It shouldn't have to be forced. Why are you so resistant to this?/

'Because that isn't who I am! I may be trapped in a female body but I am really a male!'

/No you're not. At least not anymore. And if you would just accept your place here, it would become who you are. It would be much easier if you cooperated instead of fighting the whole way!/

'Don't you get it? I don't want to be female here! I don't want that life!'

/Who said you have a choice?/ the voice says malevolently. /It seems that I'll have to force it upon you after all./

'W-what? How?!' You were already scared and confused by this whole thing and this isn't helping.

/I already told you. I cannot control your mind or your actions, but I do control your hormones. I also have some control over your desires as well as the way you do things./

After a few moments, you begin to feel a warm sensation in your loins. This sensation spreads throughout your body while simultaneously intensifying. Before long, the sensation has enveloped your entire body, remaining most intense (by far) in you loins. Your clothes begin to feel tight and costrictive, especially around your breasts, which they themselves feel ilike they're barely kept in control.

'What's going on?!' you scream out mentally.

/Just what I said. I'm pumping you so full of hormones that you will eventually lose control, your body acting not out of your free will but under the influence of the hormones - at which point I will be able to guide it in any way that would satisfy this./

The feeling intensifies even more, and you break out in a sweat. Finally, your body snaps up and dashes back up the steps and into the temple. You try to resist, but to no avail.

Written by an anonymous author

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