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"Welcome to Chapter One! You will learn the art's basics and how to get started on this chapter. Here are the exercises that you should work on. 1. Look in the mirror and picture what you want to look like. Soon your face willchange if you keep thinking that it's what you are. Keep thinking this as your face changes because otherwise you will stop changing and stay like you are. Remember, you are not really transforming, just your reflection. 2. (Note: Read chapter 4 before attempting this) Do the spin technique, but spin around yourself. You will be in a trance, and will have to say instructions to yourself. 3. (Note: Do not attempt untill you have read chapters 5 and 6) Go to a mirror, turn on the eyes, and repeat the following sentences in the voice tone.
1. My voice is veeeeery persuaaaasive.
2. It relaaaaaaaaaaxes and soooooooothes peopllllllllllllllle.
3. IIIIIIIIIII can hyyyyyyypnotiiiiiiiiiiize peeeeeeeeeeeopllllle.
4. IIIIIIIIIIIIII can make peoplllllllllllllle reeeeeeeeeeeelaaaaaaaaaaax and think they are in good haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaands.
Master these techniques, and you can hypnotize anyone in the beginner range. If you want to hypnotize stubborn people, read this book, 'How to Hypnotize: Intermediate Edition', and 'How to Hypnotize: Advanced Edition'. The basics of hypnotism are these steps: 1. Use the eyes. 2. Use the voice. 3. Come up with what you want the subject to do beforehand. 4. Use a technique.
Written by hypnotransformation108
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