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Enter the Demonslayer

You desperately want to protest, but you cannot. You find that the only thing you can say is the choice you are to make. You struggle to resist but the magic is forcing you to choose. Then, all of a sudden, a razor-sharp katana (Japanese sword) flies through the air and stabs Christina in the back. She falls to the ground dead. A heavily armored man falls to the ground from the sky, landing hard on his feet (obviously his intention). His helmet resembles a dragon's head and a red cape flies out behind him. He grabs the katana and points it at Laurie. The katana begins to react to something. It glows and pulses rapidly, until it is a mighty, thick, fully-fledged sword. The man raises the now much-more mighty blade. You try to speak, but you are still under the effect of the magic. However, now that Christina is dead, the magic is no longer forcing you to make a decision, and is simply freezing you in place.

The armored man turns his head slightly and nods at you, then turns back to Laurie. He aims the giant sword at her again. "Larna! Show your true form!" he shouts. The blade glows yelloew and fires a beam at Laurie. As the beam hits, Laurie transforms. She grows much larger and her skin turns red. Her pupils disappear and her eyes glow yellow. Her blonde hair becomes wirey and lifts up slightly as it becomes a pure yellow. Large fangs appear in her mouth and she sprouts large red horns. Her shirt becomes a greenish color and tears a bit. Large red tentacles sprout from her shoulders. Meanwhile, her legs fuse together and thicken into a large, thick tail.

"I knew it was you, Larna," says the armored man, "And now, after 15 years of tracking you, we meet at last. And now you shall face defeat at the hands of DemonSlayer Hugo!!!"

Laurie, whose real name is apparantly Larna, roars angrily. "How dare you!" she snarls "I was just about to completely take over this human forever but then you had to mess up my fun!" Hugo smiles (although you cannot see this since you are still frozen and his back is turned). "Its what I do to demons," he says. Hugo raises the sword and charges forward screaming a mighty battle cry. His sword slashes at Larna's demon body several times, leaving deep gashes. These gashes glow with a black light (strange, yes, but that's what happens). Hugo finally finishes slashing and thumps to the ground (again landing on his feet). The black glow intensifies greatly until Larna is completely consumed. You hear Larna's ear-shattering scream as she is destroyed. As expected, once the glow subsides (which it does suddenly and all at once), Larna has vanished (and so has Christina's dead body).

Hugo's sword returns to being a katana, which he then points at you. Suddenly, you find you are able to move again. Not only that, but your clothes quickly morph into something much more suitable (long, mage-style robes, to be exact). Then, you feel your body gradually morphing back to its true form. Once you have completely been returned to your true form, Hugo re-sheathes his katana. You run forward and throw yourself at his feet, thanking him again and again for freeing you. He looks down upon you and grins. "All in a day's work for a DemonSlayer, young one." He laughs heartily, then turns and walks away.

Written by Master of all MonsterSlayers

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