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as you walk around your house which is still normal you think if my house is normal maybe other things could be normal.
the squarl informs you thst your town has been changed with the times except a miltary base about 3 miles from here.
you decide that place may hold some anwser's.
you ask the squarl what he thinks,the squael quickly agree's to the idea.
i can get into any locked facility on this planet no matter what time period it is.
great lets go you say to the squarl you both climb in a monster truck and roar out of the drive way except now its just atrail that will be hard to drive over.
then the truck comes to a halt when you see nothing but trees and more trees.
now what you ask the squarl.
well it looks like we walk.
i guess so you reply, wait i'm tired of being this goofy squarl ;et me change .
the squarl scampered behind a tall oak tree and then a real thin goofy looking man comes from behind the tree.
thats better he says.
my name is george mine is carl you reply in the same manner.
once you got a good look at geroge you all most burst out laughing but its to deficult to keep it so a loud burst of laughter comes.
whats the matter geroge ask.
its your tail its huge .
oh my is my tail to big and fluffy george ask. no it's not to fluffy .
then whats the problem?
well people dont have tails like that that have a back side like mine. "oh" george saysd sorry bout that . quit embarsing im truely sorry i must try to get it right next time excuse me george replyed and ran off behind a tree.
george comes back with no squarl tail or any tail he still looked goofy but was easyer to look at with out laughing at him.
finely the hike was over they were at the base there were no guards of any kind.
there was no personal of any type here .
thats strange you think to your self, then you notice all the wild life around you.
that exsplanes a lot you say out loud. you and george come to the door then george push's a lor of buttons on the watch he was wearing, then the hiss of the doors opens.
you and george walk through and the doors sut behind you.
well we're here george says. now what?
you and george enter a room full of computers.
there is a light on a video recorder . you press the ply buttion and there is a general corn cob.
this is a message for any one left human hopefully some one will be able to reverse this mess.
how it happened is this we were exsperment on transformation of the body and be able to manupulate in to any form we wanted.
how ever a dr poisoner head of research here made a fail safe incase something like this happens.
there was a word to stop the process but before he could say it he was a tiger cub and could not say x5a but there is a way to reverse this.
you must find the crystal orb of gault abd but it in the top of the satalite over there in the rockett room there it will launch and deply the satilite and then the beams would go around the world abd trabsform them from animals to what i dont know.
good luck. you must find the crystall orb of gault its some where in iran in the desert....
Written by cd morrison
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