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well you run up stairs and get dressed for bed as you do you look at the box it's starting to get a bit dusty on top and so were the gloves.
you decide one more time then i will get my revenge, you let your self be sucked in to the life of the 12 yr old girl you have become.
the dance was great anad after the dance came time to wait for brads mom to pick us up ,that left some time together alone, brad asked you to be his girl friend you tell him yes.
it's been months and you and brad are having your problems he was caught with tammy by your best friend megan your world was falling apart.
you just get out of school when megan runs up too you.are you ok she ask's yeah i will be ok you reply with your heart broken you and megan walk home.
it was a silant walk home un till magen ask's are you still going to the ball game this friday ? you know you need to go it will be fun.
i think your gonna wanna be there for friday's game . why you ask.
because now that me and cory and carol have started some facts around school i'm waiting for the fight that will happen i want to see what happens when tammy finds out what kind of guy he is.
she is just waiting for friday .
o i cant wait to see it . you think to your self me either.
at least you did not have sex with him you were a nun(none) not gonna do it and thats was all it was to it.
as you and megan get to your neighbor hood you and megan see a ice cream truck you have never noticed one here befroe maybe he's new .
you and megan go up to the truck and there he was the great cross eye wizard . serving ice cream .
hey i'm not gonna get fat off this stuff . megan says yeah we're on a diet any way.
the two of you turn and walk away. why did we leave angel megan ask's.
i did not like the looks of him he may be some sort of pervert
beside's have you ever seen a ice cream truck here before and it's the end of september.
there are no ice cream trucks out this time of year. your right megan agree's hastely.
should we call the cops? sure those little kids may be in danger.
you grin to your self and reply yes i think we should but dont tell them who you are we want to remain anomminus ok.
megan makes the call and i nno time the police discover that the great cross eye wizard did not have a licence and no ice cream so the police tookhim away.
it takes all your will power not to laugh at the great cross eye wizard predicament .
i will see you later ok you yell out see you at school ok i call you later.
your thouoghts turn your plan about revenge on the great cross eye wizard once again home work would have to wait.
you make it inside and you tell your mom about the bad day.
your mom is very sympathitc and aske's you if you need to be alone for a bit. you reply yes i think it would help .
you run up to your room and there is the box and this time it's glowing.
the box was warming up for your wish. you then remember the pickel.
you run back down stairs anad get a pickel and eat it on the way up the stairs.
you have had the wish written out all ready and it reads
i wish for the great cross eye wizard to take my place and i gain his powers you take the box down and you all so had written down that you would keep the box.
you place your hand in the box and a yello red glittery smoke around you /the smoke clears and the great cross eye wizard is now angel the 12 year old bomb shell and you were you.
as the great cross eye wizard gets his bearings he noticed he was the girl and you were you and had his powers.
the not so great former cross eye wizard tried to change back but
he had no powers.
wh huh what the shit what has happened you can't wish to be more powerful than me no that was one of the rules of the box.
then how well i wished that you were the girl and i would be me and get your powers.
you laugh muhahaha .you smile and say now you cant play your stuipd games on me or any one else.
the former great cross eye wizard says at least leave me the box
the wizard pleds.
nope you reply and smile now to redo the rules and give it to some one deserving.
you laugh again and then you leave the room un seen by who was your mom for nearly 3 months. you wished you could tell her the truth. about what you had done but it was for the better.
you then return to your life but with some extra perks.
Written by cd morrison
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