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As you search for something to wear, you look for some boxers or something first. You come across this bag of briefs buried deep in the back of the dresser. You pull them out and read.
'Jumbos, for the BIG man. Fits any size as long as its big.'
You rip it open and take a pair. 'Well, I need bigger clothes, so this will be a start.' They fit perfectly. They have a J on the front elastic band.
You are about to try something else one when you hear the rhino yell. 'Oh no, the cops found me!' You waddle down back to the kitchen. 'What's wrong mr Rhino?'
'Wha- oh nothing, nothing, I just hit my foot against the table. Eh, what are you wearing?'
'Oh this,' embarrassed that you are in undies only. 'I found them. They fit pretty good.'
'Heh, he, he, I didn't think you wanted to grow. You looks before told me that you weren't too happy with your size.'
'I don't understand.'
'Jumbos are magic briefs. They make you grow. Hope you enjoy being bigger than big.'
'WHAT?!' you yell, stopping when you notice that you are now eye to eye to the rhino.
'Have fun, but I don't want my house ruined.' He pushes you out the door and hits a button. The floor beneath you turns into a conveyor belt and rushes you back down the long hall at break neck speed.
You go crashing through that door you first opened. You notice that you are back in the building's basement.
Written by an anonymous author
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