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Take a time out to regroup

Albert still looks mad, but his face has softened somewhat. He sighs, looking at you on the ground. Fred pops up behind, now bigger then you as well. "He was just trying to save us," says Fred, though he doesn't come out from behind Albert yet, there is a fear in his eye as he looks at you, as your resemblance to the demon... which you are now still fills him with dread, which you can't fault him for.

"I know," says Albert, "But this is still bad. We need to call Angela, we're going to need all the help we can get. He walks over to the window, and wipes the seal off. The house shakes again as daylight returns, filling the room with it. "Albert heads to the computer, leaving you and Fred alone, standing by one another. Fred looks uneasy. You look away from him, cradling one arm and feeling guilty about everything. "I... I understand if you want me to leave..." you say, "I wouldn't want to be around me either."

"I... it's not that..." says Fred, "This is just... it's not..."

"I'm a demon, and I scare you." you say bluntly, and Fred look like you hit the nail right on the head. "I'm sorry. I... I didn't think it would end up like this." you say, tearing up again. You sob a little, then feel Fred's hand on your back, hesitant, but comforting.

"I...it'll be okay," he says, "We'll figure something out." He is trying to be brave, and see's that you're just as scared as he is by this. "Come on, I'll fix breakfast and Albert will come up with something."

"O...okay." you sniff.


Fred makes up some Pancakes as Albert contacts Angela again, explaining the situation. You can her yelling over the line at Albert, and catch a glance as he physically ducks out of the computer camera's line of sight.

"Order's up," you hear Fred say, and turn to see the stack of Pancakes on the tray he is holding. You sniff the air and smell it, sweet and inviting. "Smells so good." you say, and suddenly your tongue launches out of your mouth, the barbed tip snagging the top pancake and drawing it into your mouth. Both you and Fred are completely surprised by this, Fred almost dropping the tray, and you clutching your mouth, eyes wide from shock.

"Forgot he could do that," says Fred, holding his heart before placing the tray down. then he notices your face, "Are you okay?"

Your face is almost green, you've got a mouthful of something that tastes like ashes, and you gag, and force it back up before choking and coughing it out onto the floor. "What.... what is this?" you say. "Pancakes?" Fred says, looking at the stack. "What did you put in them? It tastes awful."

Fred takes one from the top and takes a bite. "They taste fine to me." he says.

Then you remember what the demon had said. "Right..." you say, as you collect yourself, "Demons... demons don't eat." you say, falling silent. "Oh... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..." starts Fred, moving to take the tray away. "No... no, it's not your fault, I should have remembered." you say, "You should eat, we're probably going to be very busy soon." You look back to Albert, "Really busy," you reiterate.

"Ok," says Fred, as he begins to dig in, pouring an ample amount of syrup on a stack. You then smell it again, the sweet aroma of the pancakes. You turn again, looking at them, only to realize it's not coming from them... It's coming from Fred. He takes a bite, and the smell intensifies. As he eats, there is a strange sensation, like a taste, or a smell, or a sound. You don't feel hungry, but it's... delicious. You turn away as your realize what this is. You're a demon of gluttony, and Fred is enjoying food. It's not hard to put it together. It's what he wants, an indulgence, and feeding that.... it creates something satisfying to you.

"Are you ok?" Fred asks, noticing your behavior.

"Yes, I'm fine," you say, albeit a little squeakily, "Just thinking about things, enjoy your pancakes."

You bite your thumb, thinking on the sensation, it's satisfying, you don't feel actual hunger, but it scratched an itch you were not aware of. You kind of want more, another taste, but hesitate with yourself, wondering if that is a good idea.

Written by an anonymous author

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