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The Unselie court, now past the point of bewildered astonishment, seem well on the way to a total riot. With Kalibryn unconcious, and the survivor still on the field, and neither with much more then bruises on them, they seem outraged at the fact that one was not slitting the other throat, and with your past history, they know that that was not happening soon. "WE CAME HERE TO SEE BLOOD," yells an important looking troll, "AND WEZ INTEND TO GET IT!" A moment later, he has leapt into the battlefield, and making a b-line strait at you and Kalibyrn. Not ones to be left out, others follow, and soon it seems as if at least half the un-seelie court is ready to charge down on you. You lift your sword, ready to defend yourself, as the ringleadr of this unruly mob raises his axe for the first swing...
Only to be hurled through the air by an unseen force. "ENOUGH!" Says a voice that echos throughout the stadium as if on yelled through loud speacker, yet to you, it seemed, almost like a wisper. The hoard of monsterous fighters have stopped, and look almost terrified at Morgana, who herself is walking across the battlefield. As she reaches you, you see her dark stare, and remember a time when you had seen the moon in her eyes, shining as if in a pool of water. Those eyes now seem void and cold. "Meet me in my chamber, Lysander," she says coldly, in a tone that gave you the feeling that she didn't think you were really him, "We have much to discuss." With that, she walks through the crowd, which part at her coming before she disappears, as if in a veil of mist. The rest of the court look at you, then at Kalibyrn, and you see a bloodlust rising in their eyes once more. You raise your sword, "Don't even think about it," you say, and surprisingly, the entire crowd backs off, and start leaving, though some seemed a little more then miffed about it. Soon, Kalibyrn and Artie are the only others beside yourself on the field. Artie flies to your shoulder, "Well done, my lord," he caws, "You are regaining your old powers quickly." "What?" you say, as you start feeling the prick of memories. "You are lord of the Seelie court," says Artie, "As such, you rule over all land, and even though they are of a different court, they can sense the power you hold over them." You think about it, yes, all creatures have light and dark in them, and though these creatures are comprised mostly of darkness, there is a sliver of light in each of them, a sliver that you control, which is more then enough to destroy them entirely. "Artie," you say, "Watch over Kalibyrn until he wakes, I have to talk to Morgana." The crow raises a wing, almost in a salute, "As you command my lord!" he says with the upmost pleasure and happiness, then flies to Kalibyrn, while you make the trek to Morgana's room...
Written by Dream Weaver
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