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You quickly turn around and though there wasn't one before, a kitchen is behind you. A roast is in the oven, that much you can smell, and scurrying about are very small people. You look in the mirror again, and truly enough, behind your rather undaunting werewolf face, the activity continues.
Turning back to the mayhem, you take a few steps. "Um..." you say somewhat unconvincingly, although it echoes much louder than you had thought possible.
From a darker corner of the kitchen a rattling fingernail screeching sound pours out. "Ok! Who said 'Om' while the cake is baking? You'll be lucky if it's not fallen in upon itself!"
A hundred tiny voices reply, "It's him! It's the werewolf! He's by the mirror! He's watching us cook! Hee hee!"
If wind had a color, you might say that a dark wind blew from the kitchen and took the form of a woman dressed in a black whispy dress and cape, with long black leather boots and a tall pointy black hat. "Do you know who I am?" said the witch.
"Um..." you answer.
"Don't say that again!" screamed the witch. Then, in a much more amiable voice, "Or, can't you say anything else?"
Apart from the fairy tale garb, the witch was not as unwholesome as you had thought witches were. No warts, no hairy moles, not an oozing scab or puss filled cancerous infection, not even the smell of decay and vile death a few days old that you expected. In fact, she smelled of vanilla and looked a bit like the old woman from your childhood who babysat you and made you eat cold chicken and applesauce. "I'm, uh, looking for a... well, I think I'm looking for you."
And as a witch is want to do, she cackled with glee and danced on the cobble stone floor with her sharp pointy black boots, narrowly missing the hundred tiny people that joined in around her.
For a moment you wonder if there could possibly be any other witches out there who might be of assitance...
Written by Referee