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She picks you up and puts you in a human bed. Then she attaches a wire to the collar. You feel a sharp pain and then you black out.
You wake up to see the witch smiling at you. You look down and see you are human, a female human. You look and see that you are flat. And fully naked. She looks at you again and frowns. She goes to a drawer and pulls out a potion. She goes to you and forces the whole bottle down your throat. Suddenly you get the sensation of falling. Your chest feels heavy and swells. Breast form and slump on your body. They grow bigger and you feel their weight. They swell to a huge size were at their widest they reach your shoulders. She takes out a box with to suction cups connected to it. She positions the box over you, and then presses down. The suction cups latch on to your breast perfectly. She presses a couple buttons and the suction cups start to expand, pulling your breast with them. She presses another button and your vision fades out. You are still consious though. You get the need, the want to have someone touching your breasts. Holding them. Holding you. You feel the need to ovulate. Of spreading legs wide and cumming. You cross your legs. Your vision flickers back on. The witch stands above you. You feel a sharp pain in your groin. You look down and uncross your legs. You immediatly start cumming. The liquid flows from you and you get the need to have someone, a male, to stop it. The witch nods. She pulls from the drawer the cup used in football. She places it over your cum gushing vagina. You notice theres a hole in the cup. She takes a long tube. She places the tube in the hole in the cup. She sticks the tibe in the cup. It forces you to stop cumming as the tube is jammed up your vagina. She attaches the other end to a large machine. Her finger hovers over the on button. "this machine will force you to cum. It will also take energy from you to continue. The cum will fill the bottle in the machine up." She presses the on button and walks to the door. "just so you know, inside the wall is a giant compartment for your cum" And then she slams the door shut. The machine fills the room with a potion. You start cumming. So fast that it gushes out into the tube so fast. You clench and stop cumming. Then you feel the need to open your legs wide. To have wetness sucked from you. The cum starts again. Your fingers take away the cup. The tube is stuck in you though. You stroke the tube then take it, and jab it further into you. You smile as you see cum guahing into and around the tube. Your vision flickers and consiousness leaves you.
Written by an anonymous author
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