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Oh, hey! I have red fire powers!

"You?!" You yell, pointing at the familiar face.

The lep raises an eyebrow. "Do I know you?" He asks, "Because I'm pretty sure we've never met before."

You stay silent.

He shrugs, then 'leans' onto the force field. "Look." He says. "I don't want to have to murder a potential ally, so could you just let me through, and you can be on your merry way. Sound good?"

"They told me that you're going to destroy the world."

"What? No, I'm just... remaking it. Making it better. Now can you let me through? I have a tight schedule to keep."

"No." You widen your stance, and look him straight in the eye. "I'm not letting you do this."

"Fine, have it your way." The green dust envelops him again, and he grows to a towering height again. He hits the force field with both his arms, and it shakes slightly, vibrating and ringing. He hits it again. And again. He hits it one last time, and run out of the way as it crashes onto the spot where you were just standing. He bellows with triumph, and stomps into the room, the dust swirling and billowing around him. The door slams shut behind him, and he cracks his knuckles as the room fills with dust. A strand of it begins snaking its way towards the staircase, and you realise that he's going for the other two. You instinctively stretch your hand towards it, and suddenly a wall of red fire springs up between the stairway and the dust. Your right arm sears with pain, and you suddenly feel weak. It takes several seconds before you realise that you're the one creating he fire, and you manage to cut off the flow, gasping from the strain.

The leprechaun turns to you. "So it chose you. How pathetic." A spike of green dust rushes at you, but you dodge it, and the red fire follows you. The leprechaun send more dust after you, but the fire surrounds you like a shield, and none of it touches you. He groans, then shrinks back to normal size.

"This'll take forever." He says. "I don't have that much time." He grins, then turns to you. "How about we have a competition. The winner gets his way. Deal?"

Seeing no other option, you agree. "Deal."

"Ok then." Says the leprechaun. "The challenge is..."

Written by Traveller

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