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As the little man clings to the fruit, you explore your options, you could probably just toss the little guy aside and grab a different fruit quite easily, honestly your gigantic compared to him. However, the rational side of you tells you there's probably a reason behind why he doesn't want you eating it. Be it the obvious danger he put himself in to come between you and it, or the way he screams 'bad juju', the fruit may not be safe for you to eat after all.
"Okay, look," you say to the man, holding his attention, "You don't want me eating this right? So how about you tell me where I can get some other food that I CAN eat? Or at least point me in the direction of the castle?" You think, as hungry as you are, you'd much rather find your way back to Agatha, which would likely solve all your problems in one fell swoop. "Cas-sle? Nudge no know 'cas-sle'. But gobblegut want munchie crunchie? Big go-go Shumi tribe, make gobblegut big poluka!" Obviously English isn't Nudges best language, your not sure what he is talking about, "What is 'big poluka'?" you ask tenuously, a bit suspicious. "Big poluka get munchies cruchie, make big, big honor, life of bombas in Shumi tribe dance. Nudge bring big poluka, Nudge be big time Shumi bombasta." Says Nudge, his tone going to one of excitement.
Again your left without many answers, only that whatever a 'big poluka' is in his language seems to hold some cultural significance. However, your not going to just jump into something you don't understand, "Does Big Poluka get hurt in any way?" you ask, quite seriously, not wanting to unwittingly step into a trap where you end up some sort of sacrifice. "NO! Big Poluka Shumi friend, big honor! No harm by Shumi Law!"
You still have your doubts, the thing could simply be lying, but then, if all 'Shumi' are his size, would it really be wise to lie to something that could probably wipe out their army just by rolling over them? Your stomach rumbles again. He did say you could get food... and maybe someone else in his tribe would know where the castle is...
Written by Spots
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