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You manage to find the dining room after a while, though you feel a bit worn out since your unfamiliarity with the castles lay out kept you walking in circles for a while.Fortunatly though, the doors are double wide, giving you plenty of room for your bulk to fit through. You open the door, and are quite surprised at the state of the room. You had been expecting the same worn out and dusty disrepair that you had thus far seen while wandering the castle, but the opposite is true. The cobwebs and dust have been cleaned away, paintings have been hung on the walls, in gleaming gold frames no less. Banners hang on the wall, clean and vibrent red with the castles coat of arms of a lion adorned on it, and despite the olden design of the fuirnature, everything looks polished and new, from the chairs down to the table, which gleams with polished sivlerware.
Speacking of the table, it is loaded with a feast of food, chicken, ham, turkey, grapes, apples, soup, pies, and various other goodies. Mary stands, or floats, at the head, pulling the padded velvet chair back for you. "When did you do all this?" you ask as you approach, flabbergasted. "I am quite efficiant in my duties master," she says, "And I have been preparing food for a long time, I have no trouble preparing and preserving food for my masters enjoyment." You walk up to the seat, and carefully settle yourself into it, worried your weight may cause it to collapse. "I will see to aquiring more appropriate seating as well master." Says May, anticipating your thoughts on the matter. "Um.. Thanks, you don't really need to..." you say, not wanting her to overdo it on you account. "Oh, it is a pleasure Master, it is my duty to see to your every need and desire." Your stomach grumbles and you turn your attention to the food in front of you "Well, thanks again then." you say, as you begin digging in...
After a while you have eatne your fill, and feel quite full for once despite your enlarged stomach. "I hope you enjoyed it Master," says Mary, appearing before you as you place your knife and fork on the empty plate. "Yes, it was very good," you admit. "I have taken the liberty of running you a bath and placing out some new cloths for you." she says joyfully, appriciative of the complement. "If you will follow me master." You rise and follow, feeling heavy and a little sleepy from your meal, and follow Mary through the castle until you find yourself what you would have though was a hall, but in fact it is a roman style bath, filled with steaming water. Like the dining room, it has been cleaned and decorated to look almost new. "Wow." is all you can say. "I'll leave you too it then." Mary says, "Just ring the bell if you require any assistance Master." She indicates a small golden bell with a handle. With that she floats out of the room, leaving you to undress.
You have to admit you enjoy the bath, which is so large you are allowed to float, weightless due to the amount of fat on you, which comes as a great relief to your feet, giving you an almost euphoric feeling as they become completely unburdened. You are left to soak and wash before finally getting out, much to the protest of your legs, which were just enjoying the vacation. You find new clothing resting on a chair, a light blue button up shirt and black pants, though you feel a flush of embarassment as you hold them in front of you to see just how wide they are. After a bit oof struggling, uo manage to pull them on, but are unable to button them you arms being too short to reach around your stomach to the clasp. You meet a similar problem with the shirt, as the buttons towards your stomach fall outside the reach of your blobby limbs. Reluctantly, you ring the bell, and Mary appears in moments.
"Did you enjoy your bath master? How can I be of assistance?" She says cheerily. "Well, um, can you finsih buttoning my cloths." you ask, feeling your face turn a bit red at the humiliation of having to ask such a question. "Of course," she says, and quickly fastins the buttons and clasp. "Will there be anything else Master?" She says, as if completely unfazed. It is a bit reassuring actually, as she gives off the air that it doesn't matter to her how weird the request is, she doesn't judge you in any way that makes you feel embarassed, which is a small relief you're greatful for. "Thank you Mary, that's all for now." you say...
You spend the rest of the day wandering around. You check out the collapsed passage to the witches workshop. As Mary said it is collapsed, but you watch as Mary works, moving heavy stones out of the way with her ghostly abilities. Though effective, you can see that it is a lot of work, so it is no wonder it would take even her a lot of time to clear.
After that you wonder around the castle, looking for lues to other potential ways to get ahold of magic, but come up short until Mary finds you and declares that dinner is ready. You are treated to another feast, after which Mary guides you to your room, the 'master suite' of the castle as it were. As with the othr rooms, it is fit for a king, and contains a king-sized bed, which seems more then appropriate given your size. Covered in thick pillows and cushions and soft as velvet, you find it easy to get comfortable in it, going over the events of your day, you hope that you'll find what your looking for when the passage is clear. Until then, at least you'll get the royal treatment while your here...
Written by Spots
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