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You begin scrubbing yourself as hard as you can, hoping that the whatever is in those bottles isn't caustic in nature as you cough from the smoke coming off you. After a short period, the smoking stops and you rinse everything off of you. You look for any changes, after all, whatever was in those bottles was likely magical. You wonder however if potions even work if you don't drink them, maybe you lucked out?
Then you feel a slightly sticky sensation on your hands, and instinctively you stick it back under the running water to wash it off, only to find yourself sticking it back into something equally sticky. Backing away in surprise, you see the droplets of brown water moving! You wave your hands, trying to air it off, but it starts creeping up your arms. You try to wipe it away, but it only manages to spread it over you your arms more, and in a moment it reaches your faces and forces itself into your mouth. You expect something dirty and nasty, but instead you taste... Chocolate syrup? The mobile flow works it's way up your body, sliding down your throat until the last of it disappears. As you swallow the last of it, your body bloats slightly, as if the syrup bypassed digestion and turned strait into fat. Even so it's not much, so you don't feel terrible worried except for the sudden surprise. Until you see that the flow from the faucet is piling up on the floor, and starts moving towards you.
"Oh heck, no," you say, seeing what was going on. What was with this castle and trying to fatten you up? You turn and make for the secret passage as the growing blob of chocolate syrup continues to grow and begins giving chase. You scramble for the chain, almost triping over yourself in your haste. The blob, now reaching a size close to yourself, closes in just as you pull the chain hard, sending the wall turning and slamming shut with the grate of stone against stone. Your safe!
Or are you? instead of the dungeon passageway, you're in a dark expanse. You can't really see anything, and feeling around, you find the wall seems to have vanished as well. What is going on? You paw around blindly, trying to find your bearings, when you step in something soft. reacting as if iit is more of the syrup, you back away, almost losing balance, but slam into something cold and metallic. You turn around feeling the thing. You can't help but thing it feels familiar, but unfitting for a castle. A bright light suddenly lights up the darkness as the metal surface moves, the light coming from inside whatever it is. You back away to get a better view, and see the light is coming from the inside of a giant refrigerator. You already have a bad feeling about this, and sure enough, you see that inside, the food is starting to move. Not waiting another second, you take off in the opposite direction as fast as your heavy legs will carry you...
Only to find yourself going nowhere. You suddenly become aware that you are on a treadmill, your clothing replaced with badly fitting track shorts and shirt which does nothing to hide your flab as it bounces and jiggles with each step you make. "Hurry up laddie, or you'll never lose that gut!" a voice says, and you see the leprechaun sitting on the top of the controls. "You!?" you cry, "Why are you...!?" but you don't get to finish as the Leprechaun interrupts, "Pick up the pace, gotta get in shape!" he says, leaning the end of his cane on the acceleration button, "NO!" you cry, but it's too late, as the treadmill begins moving faster and faster. You look over your shoulder to see drumsticks, cheese, bacon, pizza and other assorted foods with legs and arms climbing onto the treadmill. You turn back to the leprechaun "Please, I don't want to get any fatter!"
But the Leprechaun is no longer there, instead replaced by a hot dog, which leaps at you, lodging itself in your mouth, and wiggling down your throat. You fight to keep you balance, knowing that falling now means being catapulted back into the army of food amassing behind you, but even as you try, more food items begin flinging themselves on you and start forcing their way past your flailing arms and into your maw.
You feel a stretching sensation, and stop your flailing to feel your sides as they start expanding at the influx of calories. you feel your legs rub together more tightly, and see as your arms bloat out to even larger size, even as your chest expands outward, creeping more and more into your vision. "NOOOOO!" you cry between mouthfuls, as your movements become more and more of an effort, your lunges exaggerated as you have ot work harder and harder to heft your bulk. You stomach bulges outward, digging into the arms of the treadmill, and suddenly you feel a crack as your foot comes down, and the treadmill shatters beneath you. You fall forward, covered in food, only for the floor beneath to shatter as well, sending you careening into darkness.
The food flies upward disappearing above you as you free fall, turning over and over like a balloon filled with gelatin. Falling through the void, you see several faces float by you, but your spinning to much to really focus on them, until you see the face of your boss as you tumble towards it. "I wish the story of the century would just fall into my lap" you hear him say, as the face grows giant as you tumble into it's open mouth.
You land with a thud on your rump. you stomach spread out in front of you. As your head stops spinning, you try to get to your feet, but find your legs pinned, and your stomach unable to bend forward enough for you to gain traction with your hands. A spotlight suddenly floods in from above, and you see you are seated on a varnished wooden floor. You hear your bosses voice boom around you, "Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, may I present to you the worlds fattest werewolf!"
Lights blaze into existence as a curtain draws to one side, and you find yourself staring out into a sea of faces, finding yourself on a stage facing a crowd of millions, which quickly begin laughing at you as you struggle to from your spot. "NO! It's not funny!" you cry, but your voice is drowned out by your bosses voice, "Not only is this the first werewolf ever caught, but he just keeps getting bigger and fatter by the day. Feel free to feed him folks, he's always hungry, just watch and you'll see him getting fatter every moment!" And with that you see s jeering man heft something at you, "Wai...GMPH!" you try to cry only to have a doughnut lodge itself in your mouth, causing you to swallow it almost whole. As if it set off a chain reaction, the crowd begins lobbing popcorn, pies, chicken nuggets, and and other fattening foods at you. You are pelted with food, and as you watch, your arms begin swelling even as you try blocking the onslaught. Even though most of it isn't reaching you mouth, you still swell with each passing moment, your cheeks merging into the ring of fat smothering your head like a pillow. Your arms look more like huge bloated sacks thicker then tret trunks. "Please, stop it! I don't want to be fat!" you cry, only to have a watermelon hit you squarely in the muzzle, sending you careening backwards.
Your body falls, rolls of fat racing across the ground like an avalanche before you back hits the ground, belly swaying on top of you like a giant boulder, pinning you in place, your rocking doing nothing to budge the sheer mass that is you. You then see the ghostly figure of Agatha floating above you. "Agatha! Agatha! HELP!" you cry, and she smiles, revealing a bottle in her hand. "This will slim you back to your real size." she says, dropping the bottle. It lands on your stomach with a padded thud. You reach for it, straining, but your bloated paws nowhere near it, too far up the embankment of your belly, as you struggle, you see it starting to get further away, as you continue swelling, "NOO! Agatha!" you cry, but looking back, she has vanished. Frantically, you struggle, trying to force yourself to reach further, but even as you do, the bottle seems more and more distant as it rides the growing wave of stomach rolls. Desperate, you claw at your stomach, pulling on bulges of fat as if you could climb your way up it, but a growing pressure of your chest soon pries in between you and it, as the twin hill-like mounds swell across you form like a tide. Soon your attempts only leave you pummeling your chest, sending ripples down them as the bottle disappears from view over the horizon of your belly.
"It's not fair!" you cry, tears rolling down your bloated cheeks, now the size of basket balls and approaching beach ball status. It is then you see the form of Agatha once more. "Agatha!" You call again, "Please, you gotta help me!" You cry, and she turns. In a moment she is by you, and pulls you upright. You look around for the bottle, but all you can see is your bloated chest and the edge of your belly. You can feel your legs immobilized by tons of fat, and your arms are beginning to look like monster truck tires. Help me find the..." you start saying, only to suddenly have a tube shoved in your mouth. You look to Agatha in surprise, only to see her face in a evil expression you've never seen on her before. "I'm not Agatha, I'm Blathory!"" she cackles. It's then you noticed the cauldron, bubbling with what looks like lard and fat. "Eat up fat boy," she says, and the cauldron rises and starts pouring itself down a funnel into the tube. Frantically you try to grab the tube to pull it from your mouth, but your bloated limbs can barely bend at this point, let alone maneuver past the rings of fat of your arms and your bloated cheeks. Wailing helplessly, the liquid streams down your throat. You are forced to watch as your chest obscures your view of your stomach, rising above your eyeline. You useless paws are swallowed up by your arm fat, leaving massive concentric rings of bloated flesh. You don't have long to watch, as the rings of blubber of your neck start encroaching on you *PLEASE, NO MORE, I'M GONNA EXPLODE!*, you think, as your cheeks rise into your view. As your own flesh begins encasing your head, you look to the last visible spot that is not part of you, only to see Blathory pulling out a giant pin from her dress. *NOOOOOOOOOOOO!* you think, struggling to move in the slightest, but it is useless, every inch of you is so bloated you can't even twitch a finger, and as your cheeks bulge over your eyes completely, you glimpse Blathory dive bombing you with the pin....
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" you cry, bolting awake in a cold sweat. Breathing hard, you notice that you are actually able to see, there isn't a wall of your own flesh blocking your view. YOu look downward. you see your stomach hanging there, but not the sea of blubber that it had been, just your morbidly obese, but still mobile self. You arms and legs are still fat, but compared to what you just went through, it's like comparing a building to a twig. Your clothes are still the ones Agatha made for you, and you begin to realize that what you experienced wasn't real, it was just a dream, a horrible, terrible dream. That in mind, where are you?
Written by Spots
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)