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As you glut yourself involuntarily, you try thinking of ways to escape. True, your no longer as fussed over the issue of your weight, but that still doesn't mean you ready to throw in the towel on getting out of the witch's cluthes at the very least. Unfortuntly, the enchantment keeps you from making a direct break for it, anytime you try, your arms merely force you back into your seat, and even leaning back away from the food only leads your arms to pull yourself closer to the table, jamming your bloated stomach pinfully into it as they fly at every morsel it can reach. The only good thing you can say is at least it is Agatha's cooking, so everything at least tastes delicious.
Pretty soon though you begin feeling a bit full. True, you had already devoured enough that could sustain a small whale, but even you have a limited amount of space in your stomach despite it's size. Your limbs, though show no restraint or slowing, despite the growing discomfort. As you stuff more and more into yourself, your stomah begins bloating as it begins reaching capacity, pushing outward. Your shirt begins to become taunt as even it's generous proportions become strained around your middle. Your growing discomfort soon becomes apparent as your breathing becomes a bit labored, and you sweat and pant as you try to bare the onslaught of food filling you.
"Are you ready to talk yet?" says Blathory, as the overstuffed feeling in your gut starts becoming painful. "All you have to do to stop it is tell me where the workshop is." She tries to make it sound like a reasonable demand, though the false sincerity is clearly evident in her voice. "N...Never" you say, even as you feel a creek from your pants the rope belt is pulled taunt. "Have it your way," she says, letting you stuff yourself even more, "I can keep this up as long as you want, imagine how many sessions you can stand before you finally break."
You know she has a point, even now your so full your close to throwing up, but the influx of food won't allow you the time for that, and the same enchantment affecting your arms seems to be affecting your throat, as it refuses the gag reflex to allow you to release that pressure. Still you can hope, "I'll hold out as long as I'm able," you declare, both as a promise to yourself as defiance to her.
"Well said..." says Blathory... wait, no, not Blathory, it lacked the intensity and antagonism, though it is very similar. Could it be? Agatha? Her figure sort of fades into view, but sure enough, another figure appears before you, looking almost identical to Blathory. "Sorry it took so long," she says to you, "But I'm flattuared you're so willing to look out for me."
"How did you get here?" asks Blathory in disbelief, "You shouldn't be able to come here!" You can't help but agree, even Agatha had said she was bound to her side of the castle. "That's my little secret." she says. You not sure, but you think she winked at you. You then remember the piece of brick she had given you. You're not sure if you can confirm it, but perhaps that was why she could be here, since a piece of her side of the castle was here.
"But right now, that's not the issue, " Agatha says sternly, "Right now you're going to reliece my friend." The food on the table slides out of your reach, though your arms still try to grasp at it. The combination of your tightly packed stomach jammed partway beneath the table, and your lower body still being free allows you to keep your arms from draggin yourself up onto the table. "Oh, and how are you going to make me do that?" she asks, "You and I may both be ghosts, but I have minions, and your 'friend' is under my control." With that the food starts moving forward again, but stops as apparently it comes in conflict with another will trying to enforce it. Apparently annoyed, Blathory motions at Boris, "Keep stuffing the piggy till he talks," she orders, and Boris starts moving forward, grabing a turkey off the table and moving towards you.
"I don't think so," Agatha says, and the turkey jumps off the plate and stuffs itself into Boris open and surprised mouth. "You may have your minions, but you forget, all the food you have stolen, is MINE." All the food on the table suddenly moves back, overpowering Blathory's control, and flying through the air at all the trolls gathered in the room. Trolls are sent flying against the walls, pinned down by layers of cake, ham, sandwiches and other edibles. "Way to go Agatha!" you yell, trying to get up, but your arms still force you back down into your seat. Blathory looks at you in rage. "You want to play it that way? Fine!" She yells, and turns her eyes on you. Your burst of hope dies as you wonder what exactly she is going to pull...
Written by Spots
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)