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When you awake the next day, you find yourself in much better condition then you would expect. Normally, if someone in your condition was pushed so hard, you'd be sure that they would be out of commission for a few days at least, but when you wake up, you are no longer assulted by the aches, pains, and muscle fatique that were so intense the night before. When you question Cameron about it later he explains it to you. "Werewolves heal extremely fast, most normal injuries heal overnight, so of course, our rate of recovery from exercize is equally impressive." Of course, this has also left you amazingly hungry since you missed dinner.
You are brought to the werewolves dinning area, but quickly find that, as before, your omega status leaves you with certain restrictions. You eat get to eat last. The pack brought in a deer carcuss, and dug into it as the Alpha dictates, leaving you out until most of it is picked clean. Only after everyone else has had their fill are you beckoned forward, a few scraps of meat left on the bones. Honestly your hungry enough that the fact that you are eating raw meat in no way discussed you, and you make sure that you get every morsal you are capable of getting, though you are definatly less then full when the bones gleam white. The rest of the day has you back under Coaches supervision, once again driving you as hard as physically possible any time you are not eating or sleeping.
And so time passes, days pass, then weeks, and you begin to see some progress. Coachs methods are extreme, but your werewolf body seems to be able to take the punishment far better then you assumed it would. You first begin to see, and feel, muscle forming beneath your fat, which makes the session easier as time goes by. Pretty soon your able to move at a pace that Coach deems, 'barely acceptable'. You start dropping some of the weight. It's first noticable in your limbs, as your muscles build and firm them as they replace the flab. Then slowly, your stomach begins reducing as it's reserves are drained by intense exercize and small meals. Better still, all that flab translates into muscle development, leaving you looking ripped aside from the still shrinking belly.
By the end of the first month, you've worked off all the flab. Not only that, Coach is now referring to you as his 'star pupil', as you've come to master his extreme workout program. Where you had first struggles running a few laps, your racing around the course at speeds you compare to racing vehicles without breaking a sweat. Your able to knock out push ups with most of the pack balancing on your back, and it's quite dangerous to get around you when you do your jumping jacks holding onto 300 lb barbells in each hand. Quite frankly, the work you've put into this has even raised you from omega to a regular pack member, earning you a bit more respect, as well as a place during meal time.
"Hard to believe, I don't think anyone's every managed Coach's techniques so well." admits Cameron after you 'graduate', "Promise me you'll challanged Ray to an arm wrestle some time." Ray was currently the current arm wrestling champ of the group, barring the Alpha of course, "It would be awesome if someone managed to give him a run for his money."
Written by Spots
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