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"Take him to the storage room," says Blathory to Boris, "And you will make sure to do what Boris tells you to," she adds to you ensuring the cooperation of your arms. You try to stand again, but are unable to loosen yourself from the seat, your form bloated from eating so much. Even when Boris orders you to, it takes a number of trolls to pry you out before you are lead at spear point out of the room. You trudge along, weary and drowsy from over eating, moments away from passing out in a food coma. You still can't believe you ate Agatha, the one person who actually helped you out in all this. As such you feel kind of broken, devoid of hope and you don't bother trying to think of a way to escape of question you captors as they lead you into the storage room and lock the door behind you.
You slump down against the wall, barely noticing your surroundings as you look at your bloated stomach. "I'm sorry Agatha." you say, on the verge of tears, "I'm so, so sorry..." you begin crying. There is a sudden gurgle from the expanse, from what you guess is gas, and you absently rub at your belly to try and ease the tightness. "g....o.t" it groans, and you rub more, hoping that your stomach wasn't telling you already that it wanted more food. You really don't want to eat anything ever again. "Get me out!" You stop, shocked as a voice actually comes from your stomach. What's more, you recognize the voice, "Agatha?!" you cry in surprise. "Your alive!" you grab an armful of belly and hug it, "I thought you were dead!"
"Still dead, though I can't say I've been in better positions. It's highly disturbing in here." comes Agatha's voice. You are so relieved that swallowing Agatha hadn't hurt her it seems. "What happened? How did Blathory do that, and why can't you just float out?" There is a pause, and to prod your stomach to make sure Agatha is still with you, "Be patient, I'm still trying to figure it out." she says, "Normally you would need some type of enchanted container to hold a ghost. Blathory has gotten better at magic, I would never have thought that the container could be living."
"I'm not magic though." you say in protest. "You've been transformed into a werewolf, cursed, and been hit with a number of potions, trust me, your swimming with magic, or I'm not currently haunting your digestive tract." Comes Agatha's slightly annoyed tone. "We better come up with a plan quickly though, Blathory is probably on her way, and I doubt you'll like what she has in store for you next." You then realize where you are, as the relief from Agatha's status let's up on your depression and you notice the smell about you. "Oh crap," you say aloud, looking up to see where all the sweet and yummy smells are coming from. The storage room is stocked with food, and you recognize examples of Agatha's cooking. You can easily imagine what Blathory would have you do in here. "Any way to get you out?" you ask Agatha. "Normally a enchanted vessel needs to be opened or broken to free a ghost, but since Blathory has ordered you to keep me down, so I can't get out that way. I suppose cutting open your stomach may free me, though I doubt even you would survive that unless it was done by a proper surgeon." You shudder, "Pass, any other ideas?"
"There may be another way, but it will take time. I'm not even sure Blathory has already thought of it, but right now it's our only shot." Says Agatha in an unsure tone. "Well, what is..." you stop as you hear a noise from outside the door, a guard suddenly coming to attention. Whatever Agatha's plan is will have to wait, because Blathory floats through the door with an evil smile on her face...
Written by Spots
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