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You are freaked out, which is a huge understatement to what your actually feeling: Confusion, fear, doubt, and any number of anxieties. You bound around the room, letting out yells that only come out as barks, whines, and short howls as you try to comprehend your situation. You run for the door, only to find your unable to open it with your paws. You scratch at it, leaving grooves as your claws dig into the wood, but it get's you no where nearer to getting through. After a few hours, you curl up in a corner, shivering in utter shock.
It is only around noon that someone finally comes looking for you. The door creaks open and Cameron pops his head in, looking around for you. "Hey, you okay in there, we're all wondering when..." he then see's you huddled in the corner, looking all the world like a wolf having a mental breakdown, rocking back and forth. "What the heck happened to you?" he says, carefully approaching. He steps on something, and you see the ring on the floor. It must have come off at some point. "Well, this can't be good..." he says, either to you or himself. "Don't worry, we'll get Max here on the double." He reaches out to try and lay a hand on you, and you recoil, still a raw bundle of nerves. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you," he says calmly, backing off momentarily. He grabs your shirt, and carefully throws it over you like a blanket before scooping you up in it. In this form, he easily dwarfs you, and it is not long before he's carrying you out in a bundle, trying to calm you down.
"Hmmmm, well, all I can say is that it worked" says Max as he examines you. You growl at him in frustration, wanting to yell at him that this was not what you had in mind. "I don't think he shares your sentiment," says Cameron, "I don't get it myself, if it worked, why is he a wolf?" You are seated in one of the spare meeting rooms, croached on one of the chairs while Max hovers over you with a few crystal like tools. "Well, simply we assumed that he was turned into a werewolf." Says Max, "Apparently the nature of the magic was more of an incomplete transformation. When we used the ring to enchance his innate abilities, we inadvertantly ended up completing the process."
"YOU SAID YOU WERE GOING TO HELP ME, WHAT THE HECK KIND OF CRAP HELP IS THIS'" you yell, or at least try to, what actually comes out of your mouth is more like, "GRRR BARK ARF BARK GRRR BARK BARK GROWL ARF ARF ARRRRRR!" Cameron waves a hand, "Calm down, we can't understand you like that," he says, trying to reassure you with his body language. "We'll see what we can do to fix this. There is a way to fix this right?" He asks Max. "Well, technically there's nothing to fix, he's a wolf now, the magic is complete."
"Well, what options are open to us?" Specifies Cameron, "Can we reverse the process, or change him into a real werewolf?" Max thinks for only a moment, "Well, obviously magic would be required to reverse a transformation like this. It was a spell or curse or something after all. You'll have to get with the Alpha to set something up with the old witch to get something like that done, but we can probably just get him back on his feet with a quick bite."
You growl questioningly, and Cameron goes into more detail, "Technically we should be able to just bite you and turn you into a werewolf. It's a more... physical process then a simple magic transformation, the process isn't exactly quick or easy. I don't think we've ever tried it on a wolf before, everyone here is a product of birth or was a human inducted by bite, so we're getting into a bit of unknown territory here, but it should work in theory." You give an uncertain whine, not sure how much you like the idea of being a test subject for this. "It's either that or getting to gether with a spell caster, in which case the Alpha will need to call in some favors."
You think on it. Your pretty sure asking the Alpha will put you into even more of a debt then you already are, and your still not even sure how that is going to cost you. Then again, you don't know what the heck a bite is going to do to you since your not human anymore. Is there any other option though?
Written by an anonymous author
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