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After what seems like a long (and less-than-comfortable) bumpy ride, you find yourself looking at a large building complex at least 25 stories high. Leon leads you through the front doors, and you are amazed by what you see. At every turn, there are half-animal, half-human people. Some are at desks or computers, some are filling out paperwork, and still others seem to be taking exams. "Come on, kid," says Leon, "Werewolfer registration is on level 7." He points upwards. You nod and head for what appears to be an elevator. Just as the doors open and you begin to waddle in, Leon suddenly pulls you back. "Not that one!", he says almost frantically. He points to a set of doors much wider than the ones you were about to pass through. You can feel yourself turning red under your fur. You probably weigh half a ton at least; an ordinary elevator may be dangerous to ride in in your condition.
On the 7th floor, you are led into what seems to be a doctor's office. You are seated on a bench, (which creaks audibly under your weight), and wait. Very soon, a new face appears. You chuckle at the sight. The person is very fuzzy, and has long incisors. At first you think it is a mouse, but then you spot the tail, bald and long. A rat; dressed up in his white coat, you would say he's a lab rat. "So, Vhat have ve here today, Leon?" he asks, with a thick German accent. "Newbie," replies Leon. "Found him raiding one of the factories downtown." "Ach, a verevolfer; rare, very rare." He starts out with the usual tests; blood pressure, reflexes, taking your temperature (which proves to be the most unsettling when he sticks the thermometer... ummmmm... but moving on...). "Vell, he appears healthy" he says. "Ve just have to register his veight limit und give him basic training und he's goot to go." "Excuse me," you say, "My what?"
You are led to a room with a bunch of electrical equipment, and a treadmill in the center of it. They hook up many sensors about your body, including the bottom of your hind paws. "Now, you run", says the rat. Feeling embarassed, you start to waddle on the treadmill, which moves very slowly. The doctor gives you a look of disgust. "Nein, nein, you call dat jogging? You are ein volf! Run like vun!" Given this new order, you recall that you were a blur when you went for the food at the factory. You uncertainly lower yourself down onto all fours. As you start out, you find you are doing much better than you were on two legs. Though your stomach bounces madly beneath you, you feel that you could keep this up all day if you had to. As time passes, though, you feel the jiggling becoming less and less. Glancing down, you find your stomach is shrinking! Soon it looks at if you'd get as buff as Leon if you started lifting weights.
All of a sudden, you start tumbling head over heels. The treadmill stops and you find yourself in clothes that feel 10 sizes too big. Looking yourself over, you find that you've turned back into your original self! The lab rat, meanwhile, is at one of the machines. "Sehr gut," he says, taking something out of one of the machines. He hands you what looks like a watch. "Here is your veight indicator." You slip it on. A number on the screen reads 80%. "What is it?" you ask. "A werewolfer is a rare form of werewolf," says Leon. "In all respects, they're normal until their body reaches a certain amount of fat in their system." He points to the watch. "When the indicator shows 100%, a werewolfer undergoes his transformation, into the lupus corpulentus stage, which you've already experienced." He walks over to the treadmill and picks up a small white object. "When that happens, you put this in immediately." he hands you the noseplug that had fallen out when you reverted. "Vell, dat is all I can do. Take him to bazic training." says the doc. You are about to leave when he suddenly turns around. "Ach, I almozt forgot; do you haff any allergies?" You think, then answer, "Not that I can think of." "Goot", he says, and walks out of the room, leaving Leon to take you to basic training, whatever that is.
Written by Jack (edited by wanderer)
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