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Breathing is becoming rapid, coming in short breathes, a reaction to the new chemicals pulsing into your bloodstream. As with each breathe your nose expands, nostrils are flaring, growing wider, more able to drag in greater and greater golps of air.
Your head is in a spin, the fast breathing is making you feel dizzy. Its making your already sick feeling stomach do flips and flops. Thoughts of wanting to throw up come and go, yet in the midst of it all you watch things happening.
Those splied and fisted fingers, the fingernails have turned a grayish black of color. They now ooze a blackened slim, it smearing over the fingers making them stiff.
Your wrists and forearms have skin that resembles a pair of your hunting boots, looking tough, black, and unlike the shoes your arms are spouting hairs.
Anxiety sets in, you would wish it was all over this physical transformation. Seeing is believing, as what the Doctor explained in short, is presnetly looking quite factual.
He called this a test, you a volunteer, aiding the advancement of science. His very words at the interview should have warned you, but the thrill of becoming a viable part in the advancement of science had you thinking of being a real somebody.
Instead you lay there strapped to a stainless steel exam table, I.V. slung on a hook, drips the body changing chemicals into your ever changing body.
Oddly your ears now hear the drips, drip, drip, drip, the sound of it mixing with the knowledge of what it does is driving you crazy!
Barely able to lift your head, as a strap crossing over your neck ties you snug to the table. Other straps as well bind you down. Yet you can move a little, oggling with one eye, you begin to take an undicided interest in watching your feet.
Just recently you purchased some new shoes, doing so for the interview with the Doctor and his associates. Those shoes were a size "12-c" and from your limited view you can see they have grown longer.
Fingers and toes are in a major mode of changed. The toes were first, oozing out the black slime, it covering them, stiffening and thinkening, binding them into two clumps. You peering down the changing body, watching the feet, your toes now look like cloven hoofs. Straining to see them, you can wiggle them slightly, they still have feelings to them, if dull!
From out of nowhere comes this screaming pain. It begins at the base of you skull, snaking down your spine and ending up flaring out into the muscles that make up your changing buttocks.
You scream from the spike of pain, it comes and goes quickly but from it you now have even greater anxiety. It came from hearing yourself scream, the tone of your voice becoming deeper. The clarity changed, being more ragged and a coarse sounding scream, it makes you try and think where you heard it before.
Eye bulge out of your skull, ears nervously bigin to wiggle and flop about. Breathing is still rapid, but from the expanding of you nostrils the sound reminds one of a large animal breathing.
The lips are dry and your nose begins to run thin slurry of snot.
Nervously you lick at your expanding nose and the thicker lips, they being dry and feeling also coarse.
Another spiked jolt of pain erupts down your spine, this time ending just above your butt. Like before it is there and gone in an instant but the sensation after, tells you your growing now a tailbone.
Rubbing you rearend, the nub of your growing tail would remind you that soon you will need it, being as you change species.
An occasional check form the Doctor comes and goes, he saying nothing to you. He offers no words of comfort, not even a reminder that this is worth it all for the advancement of science. Yet had he said that you might have burst your bonds and jumping off the table, gone and beat him to a pulp.
A cramp grips your left leg, running from the heel of a foot, it twines upward gripping the thigh. Screaming agian of pain, beastly pains, like nothing in your life have you ever felt before.
Head straining to let you look and watch as eyes are yet bugged out from the stare. The feet have lengthened, grown narrow, looking like the hind foot of some grazing type of animal. That acursed cramp at last subsides on its own, but leaves you gawking at the sight of a thigh left broadened, if not also narrow, making your groin appear even deeper.
The Doctor's Orderly comes in quickly, grabbing a chain and rapping it about the ends of your changing legs. Sngging your two pairs of clovened toes now hooves together, he reaches upward, grabbing a hook attached to a wench. You can hear the button click as the man works the wench, it lifting up your shackled hind feet into the air.
He relased the straps binding your legs to the exam table, but in as much you can see your hind limbs better, the seeing makes you feel sicker yet.
This done he stands near your rear, you can not see his every move but what you feel is him dobbing something all over your rearend.
Screaming at him out of disgust, aggravated at your peril, the sound startles the man at first. He steps back, then smiles at you, pats your now hairy rump with his hand in a loving sort of way.
"Your doing just fine, try to remain relaxed, the major pains are past and I would expect you will soon be allowed to stand up." says the man, if anything it gives you some renewed hope.
Insult and injury, that's what you think as the man eyes something, stopps to gawk at it, and then reaching a hand to where you can not see he grips a new part of you.
His warm hands come with an extremely sensual sensation. He squeezes your new part, smiling as he does, then looking your way. Seeing your interest, knowing how your view is impeaded, he laughs out loud. Then with both hands he works your sensual parts, squeezing one and then anothe making it happen in a funny sort of rythum.
Your mind says this touching is proper, but deeper inside your brain a still human thought pattern suggests it vile and immoral.
He laughs as you see from down in your groin a stream of white shoot into the air.
"Damn it honey, ah Guy, ah deary, you got some sweet smelling milk!" said the giddy man.
Now it all rolls in upon you to once, the utter changes the Doctor made as a silly joke, the Udder sensations they told you would soon know, it was real, all to real, your are losing your humaity, your gender, your becoming a bovine animal, a COW!
Written by Kevin Rooste
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)