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Standing and watching you know all too well the broom handle broke when digging for Amanda.
The fat ole' Witch ambles down the beach, her eyes see the broken broom, but stopping, she keeps her back toward you.
The mental suggestion your brain is making thinks you should head out on a run, cause when the ole' Witch figures out your the one who broke it, Oh Borther!
"WAIT THERE YOU!" yells the Witch.
"Oops I am sorry!" you say as then taking to running down the beach.
"SORRY DON'T CUT IT BOY, I AM WITHOUT TRANSPORTATION.......!" tells the Witch, her voice trailing off like an echo.
Paying her no mind your only thought is to run, run fast, a get away from her anger.
Running, running, you are making tracks, and as you see Amanda further up the beach, there is suddenly before you a rainbow.
Moving at full speed you can not slow or stop, unable to side step the beautiful arch of color you run through it.
Passing through it is like walking into a balloon, the stretched material forming a sleeve covering your entire form.
You scream out of panic and terror, the sound even to you comes out in a strange and uneven tone.
The instant anxiety makes you slow your running, Amanda seeing this all screams your name.
You stop, standing still, breathing hard and fast to catch your breath you hear, "Excellent, I praise the Spirits they have done me well, once more!" says the Witch as she walks closer to you.
Standing there you feel oddly vibrant, your entire body suggesting a sense of inner power, massive strength, and little or no concern over the Witch coming near.
Amanda has fallen on her royal butt, seated half in the breaking waves, you can hear her calling your name and sobbing as if terribly sad.
The ole' Witch steps before you, she eyes you standing there patiently awaiting her next move.
"Yes, yes, excellent, I am pleased for the spirits have done well!" She says and then smiles her toothless grin at you.
"Ha, you do not know, do you young friend? Well, since it was my need and the Spirits powers of those I do have control, I need not my broom for transport now. One would congratulate you on finding yourself so acceptable, being you stand now as my galant mount!" says the Witch to you standing and being very attentive.
"Huh," is what you tried to say but the sound that echoed the bluffs was without a doubt the high pitched short whiiny of a newly made horse.
The Witch comes close to your face, her breath stinks of Sulphur.
"I congratulate my steed, you have become one excellent Morgan horse, a stallion too, and that in time will earn you pleasure and me the stud fees!" she says with a chuckle and a laugh.
The hearing is believing, you suddenly understand all the feeling that prevail this new you.
As the Witch walks about looking over her galant mount, you sensation and instinctive reaction is to say the least, quite a stiffening feeling.
In the distance Amada continues to cry over what has happened. Your ears turn to listen but remembering the Witch being near they flick back and forth.
"You will do quite fine, I'll keep Him!" says the Witch, just as if those Spirits that did this are still standing nearby.
You are mentally flooded with new sensations, instincts begin to prevail upon your mind as well.
That what is feeling itself as stiffened to the point of bursting, moves slowly up and down. The Witch seeing this occuring gives a sigh.
"You are having the first of many to come of those equine male feelings. Enjoy them well, it happens often, and in time this will become just an easy thing to satisfy a personal need. I have known many a man in my hundred years. They come and go, their habits and manners are many, but you remind me of one. He was my favorite, felt the need almost daily and came to me quite often. Yet my body is old, my passion all but gone, yet his was that of youthful expression. Like you he soon pranced a paddock, his body made perfect for the sensual drives he longed to know. A silly me thought to still enjoy him from time to time, making of him a stallion pony. Oh how he could express his feelings, but with being what he was then, the stallion ignored me and his delight was to dominate the mares.
Worry not for your girlfriend there by the sea, as she might soon join you at my farm. Would you like this? Your now a Morgan stallion, what was your past is all gone, no not a soul remembers you even living. Yet you exist, you are quite alive and for the next forty years I shall own a fine stallion of excellent conformation, a prime stud, and my personal transportation, correct?" asked the Witch as she explained your new self, your new life, and the likelihood Amanad will join you in the stable.
Written by Kevin Rooste
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