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Zara and you finaly reach where you were going. A large black building stands before you. Zara lets go of you and closes her wings she comes down and creates a crashing sound that goes through the ground shaking rocks and trees. You see her lean mucsles ripple as her great body stands up. You stare up at her and start you wag your tail as she stares down a you with one of her big eyes. She gives you a critical stare and says "Hummm... You are interested in me are you? That may work with me but don't go lookin at other dragons like that they will tear you to peices. You put you ears back and bear your teeth taking her words as a threat. "Hurm... I suppose wolves don't have as much control." You two dismiss the conversation and walk inside.
The room is dark with one single light in the middle you walk to the light to see a pair of bright red eyes staring down at you. You back up as the creature roars out a song "Insoulent boy, you slave of fashion, basking in your glory! Ignorent fool you brave young suitor socorning at my triumph!" You fall back as you hear Zara's voice behind you. "HRRRRRRRM! Angel I hear you speak I listen, stay by my side guide me! Forgive me Angel my soul was weak enter now master!" you relize that it is a differant repraise of a song from the Phantom of the Opera "The Mirror". The creature above answers "Flattering child you shall know me see why in shadow I hide, Look a yourself in the mirror I AM THERE INSIDE! Hey get the kid to sing the rest." Zara nudges you with her nose and says "Say "Angel of music guide and gurdian, come to me strange Angel." You repeat the words and he answers back "I am your Angel of music, come to me my angel of music, come to me!" Zara walks towards the light and a large dragon with gold scales and feathered wings with red eyes drops from the hold above.
He moves past you and intentionaly knocks you down with his tail, his feathery wings gleam in the light. Zara and he lock necks. Then you relize that comment she made outside was because this dragon was her boyfriend. Zara looks at you and says "This my sweet little Dreyling is Angel, he is the one who was first given this gift." Stare at her and blink "Dreyling?" you ask her. She stares at you and says "Well a Dreyling is one you love as friend so it is just another dragon word for friend. The two lovers walk into the next room together you chose to....
Written by Yoka Kitsune
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