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Suddenly as your jaws nearly slice the t-rex, a huge foot stamps in front of you. its the foot of an Argentinosaurus. "If you two are done being stupid," It says in a familiar voice, "We have to get back to the island." Its another classmate of yours, Lara! Of course, you're Tetanuran brain ses it as a threat for Argentinosaurus are the princple food source for Giganotosaurus. You arch your tail up, tail feathers fanning out like a peacock. "Crud," said Dr. Maroo, "I should have guessed this would have happened, send in our spino." A huge spinosaurus, about your size or a little smaller comes into the room. Everyone thinks that Spinosaurus is the most powerful dinosaur of all. But you're the true king. With hooked claws you rake its sail, the equivelent of kicking a human in the gut. Bu you overlooked one thing...all spinosaurs have a massive hooked thumb claw. The claw swings over and nails you straight in the chest. It opens its mouth revealing tens of fish-catching teeth - But your teeth are different, your teeth are used for killing dinosaurs. Suddenly as you charge you are hit in the size by the horny crests of a T-rex. Stupid! Giganotosauruses and Rexes are pack hunters, so the rex gets and advantage with the spino on his side, while you can't use your full potential. You flip back up in an instant, like a cat and let out a roar. "Electric blasters on full blast," said Dr. Maroo You are hit with a huge amount of electricity and fall unconcious.
Written by Dinoshifter
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