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The card you drew is Versago the Destroyer. You look at your hand: Fusion Sage, White Dragon Ritual, and your new Versago. Nothing is of use right now, so you switch your Magician into Defense mode (2100 DEF) and end your turn.
Marik laughs maniacally as he sacrifices his three Revival Jams to bring out Ra. He explains that as a God card, Ra is immune to Traps and is only affected by Magic until the end of the turn. Also, Ra's Attack and Defense are each equal to the total combined respective of the monsters he sacrificed. This makes Ra's total Attack 4500 (1500 + 1500 + 1500) and Defense 1500 (500 + 500 + 500). He uses Ra to blast your Magician, and lays a card face down.
You draw...and pull the card Pot of Greed, which allows you to draw 2 new cards. You do so, drawing... Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands and .........Blue-Eyes White Dragon??!!. How did that get there? Better make the most of it... You summon Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands, using its ability to pull a Ritual Monster from your deck: Paladin of White Dragon. You activate White Dragon Ritual, sacrificing Manju to summon the Paladin (1900 ATK). You then play your Fusion Sage, to retrieve Polymerization from your deck. Next, you activate the Paladin's special ability: sacrificing it in exchange for a (second) Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Finally, you use Versago's special ability, ie. that it can be used as a substitute for any monster in a Fusion, so that you can activate Polymerization, to fuse Versago with the Blue-Eyes on the field and the one from your hand to form the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (ATK 4500 / DEF 3800)!!
Written by P. Seto
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)