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As it moved it in you were surprised by what you are seeing. You see a cute little Pichu that barely looks a third of your age. You sighed happily in relief, you gaze in happy relief at the little Pichu for a few seconds eye to eye and he gaze happily back. Before you could think of anything Pichu put his hand behind his back as if he was get something that he had, you start to get curiously worried when as it hand was behind it back it gave an evil sinister smile. While still smiling it pulled out it's back a feather, now you're confused. It walked toward your left foot which was level enough on the ground for Pichu to reach it, "You're not going to do what I think you're going do." You utter. Pichu gave a kind nod, "No, you can't" you beg. Then Pichu started brushing your sole with feather, starting form the ball down to the arch. Your sole was so sensitive that you couldn't hold in your laughter, and your toes wiggled and curled up. You tried to pull your feet out of shackles on the chair, but your feet are too massive. Pichu continued making you want get to so bad, then Pichu stopped. Pichu walked to your right foot, he examined your right foot to find the most sensitive spot, You could see him gently massaging your right foot to see which spot wiggles your toes the most. He found that spot was the spot between your toes, you can only wonder what he was doing. Then Pichu got close to that spot with his mouth, stuck out his tongue, and gently licked between you toes. Both disgusted and helpless you let out in a big laughter, still wanting to get out of the situation. Then the Pichu licked the wrinkles of you toes then on your arch. You are uncontrollably laughing and sweating in extreme fear that this never end. Then a whistle shoot across the room, and Pichu stop. You were greatly relieved that it was over, you try to catch your breath while really tried.
The Pichu ran to where the whistle came from, the leaps into some cat like hand paws, you could see the rest of the body hidden in shadows. One paw was holding Pichu and the other was gently petting it along it's back. "Good job, that will do." the mysterious voice says to Pichu.
"Who are you?" you ask in anger. The being walked front and you see a little cat girl, "You can call me Gatomon. Now, what do with you."
"If you touch me I'll..." before you can continue she gagged you. "You're coming with me." Gatomon said, "You can meet the others."
She put down Pichu, and then kneel down to your feet and inspected them. She grabbed your plump right foot, then stroke her cheek out the sole. You are too tired to comprehend this. Very nice feet, some of the best I've ever seen, there plump and warm. She got you out of the chair and tied your hands and feet together, you were too tired to react. She carried you to the right exit, "Come on Pichu." Gatomon called, Pichu followed behind.
Written by The Tickler
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