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Gawking at what is so very different about your lower extremities, your thighs, legs and feet belong properly on some small horse and no as a part of you!
Slowly, your courage builds and decidely you try to gather your new appendages, forcing yourself to stand upright.
All there in the ole time western saloon seem to be watching you, but as well try to ignor the fact some beastly thing is in their saloon.
Your being then naked as would be an animal, but coated with the short summer pelt of hair as has horses during warmer times of any year. The sudden rational realization brings on a surge of fear and adrenalin, giving torque to every stout muscle, even one which when feeling so, is normally covered and concealed.
Feeling ever so embarressed with your pony sized maleness sticking out in a full state of stallion like erection; your modesty is under a real test.
The gorgous red haired woman walks toward you, her hips swaying makes even a young and foolish person like yourself get ideas. She steps very close and her soft hands come to touch and stroke your mighty male pony shaft. Her nimble fingers pick at the opened anterior end of your erect maleness, taunting you to begin thinking of lurid desires and of things so bestial one might forget his own past.
She speaks softly, suggesting you might be a bit more comfortable in another room, one more private, and where she and you could be alone and talk.
You think this suggestion has merit and on shaky and strange feeling legs and hind feet of a pony you stagger stiffly and with that massive erection swaying wildly, you head toward a doorway to another room.
Written by Trepidation of Self
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