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Writing to home, you want to tell what is happening and of your pride in being a part of some scientific experiment.
Hey, but I am proud to be part of this experiment and all was going very well until. James Hullen, an assistant injected me with two syringes filled with Antibiotic drugs. It was as he did my injections, the professor noted the assistant had used the wrong ampoules. I received instead two loaded syringes with the H.E.D. Reformation serum.
A suddenly drug induced shock occurred, putting me into a coma like state. I came out of the coma like sleep after five weeks. The Professor had me moved to a swing room where Nurses, pretty ones, kept watch over me until all signs became stable.
The Professor came in several times each day to check my vitals and for then an odd, way he measured my toes, feet, and shins. I lie around for several days after that and felt fine.
It was on the Tuesday of the second week since I revived that my skin looked very tan. Each day after that my skin color darkened one shade or more until by the end of that week even the texture was changing.
I asked the Professor some questions, but he ignored me, and he would change the subject. I knew then that the injection was making some changes and the Prof. either did not know what to expect or was looking forward to whatever might happen.
The Lab assistants moved me from the swing room to a room without windows, and no visitors, except Prof. Haun and another man named Justin. My first day in that room noted no mirror on any wall. They removed the bathroom mirror as well this made me suspicious. My skin color continued to change darker until after another week it was a deep black and felt thicker. I had no shaver but my whiskers, which Dad says is peach fuzz, are coming in at a very fast rate. Some of the hairs grew out three inches. The long ones felt like almost feeler hairs like Grandpa's horse Buster had, remember?
It was a bad morning when I woke up, my eyes covered in gauze and also my hands and arms. I was strapped to the bed, a cathode jammed up my pecker, and another sort of suck pipe up my butt.
Justin told me it was due to a drug interaction and that for a day or two, I needed to lay quiet. I was stuck, could not move, cannot walk around or even feel my face.
It was that Sunday when the staff was off for the day; Professor Haun and Justin decided to release my bonds. The result of their visit is why I am writing you this note of explanation.
During those past days stuck in bed, I experienced such leg cramps that I know I screamed. My back ached and even my groin felt different. Hands and arms seemed strange and worse of all my sense of smell and hearing became so acute it hurt when the Prof and Justin would speak.
They told me to lie very still as the gauzed wrappings were removed, releasing the security straps, allowing me to get up, but slowly. Doing as told, I waited for a chance to sit up and or stand up.
"OK, sit up and remain calm!" said Professor Haun.
I opened my eyes to what had to be the most terror-filled moment of my entire life. Like when you about to die, my whole life's memories poured out in a flood of emotion.
My legs were what I saw first. My skin was still very dark, actually black! My toes are gone as they merged into a single solid toe. Hair, black in color grows out of my feet and they are very much longer than my size 13's. My shin and upper leg now look more like Grandpa's horse than when I walked in here some weeks back.
Please Mom, do not cry they told me this does not have to be permanent, in time I could come back. I was even more afraid when I saw a four-foot long hair tail hanging over the bedside. My changed rump is rather neat, offering me a strange sense of pleasure. The new tail able to swing, it brushes over what is tender and soft to the touch. I move the tail when walking or flicking it and find this brings me a tickling sensation.
My male part changed too, a leathery, thick, skinned sheath grew to cover and attach itself to my lower abdomen. Then held up inside me is my penis, it protrudes out the sheath when I have a need to urinate. The real sensual sensation comes as I might become erect, oddly this now happens often, and needs very little stimulation to make it happen. I am sorry to report that with this radical shift in my physical form, the circumcision that Doctor Michael’s did on me is now gone. The end of my penis is flat now, having a flange like gland wrung about the end. It does swell when I become erect, looking somewhat tulip shaped, but certainly not circumcised!
My testicles have also increased size, growing larger, become quite heavy, but snug tightly and held high up in my deepened groin.
Skin on my body is thicker and more toughened like the hide of a horse or pony. You cannot see much of it as covering me all over is a coat of dark saddle brown hair. In contrast, my mane and tail are a shiny black, glistening in the light of day, making me look dashing, or so I think.
My shoulders narrowed some, drawing my upper arms closer together, this and my new forelegs seems to make walking on all fours quite simple. My neck too increased and grew much more muscular. I find it allows me greater flexibility to turn my head and look about, or offering new ways to extend my head and scratch.
I am sorry to report as of this letter, my head is now making the transition. I find this somewhat disturbing, as I am really losing my facial identity, becoming plain and the same as all other ponies. My nose is the strangest of the entire change. It grew and merged with my mouth and upper lip. The nostrils are quite soft and flex with breathing in or out. The lips feel and work strangely, but conform to what I will need for eating food, pony style.
My vision distracts me from thinking, I am very nearsighted since this all began, the ability to see things in color are also, sadly different. Oddly, I can see things more in two side views, limiting what I can see directly in front of my face or mouth.
Now I want to tell you some about Marge. She contracted for being a testing volunteer for five or more years, this granting her enough earnings to build her own new house. Since my arms rotated and became as my forelegs, my hands began to stiffen and since grew together forming hoofs.
Sorry but we become often sidetracked!
I am Marge and since Daniel’s hands became his fore hoofs, he is not able to write. We were good friends at the college, dating twice and then bumped into the other here at the Lab. I have become better acquainted with Daniel, and since both of us are assigned to the same testing group. His present transition is far more along then what I contracted, and willingly agreed to accept; yet we still can remain friends and be together.
About three weeks back I brought him a book from the library, one on ventriloquism. The book’s author Edger Bergan was a famous actor who used two dummies; and was in the movies during the 1940’, and 50’s. Daniel read it during his long dull days of transitioning. He actually learned how to work his larynx, making very intelligible sounds. I write down the very words from his mouth on paper. The Professor is amazed at this stunning progress, being he had great concerns about Daniel’s brain size mutating to that of a common equine.
His continued rational thing, the ability to speak, helps him fight the natural onslaught of bestial instincts, and the chemical coded instinctive lifestyle of a real stallion pony.
Enclosed, the original contract signed by Daniel. The Professor gave me a check to include. It is Daniel’s salary wage. Obviously, he does not need or have the use for things like money, not since he has become a pony.
“Please Mom and Dad, as if because of this whole situation you would prefer I should not return to being your son; I ask that you allow my movement to England. I feel good, and would not mind living inside this pony stallion form. The Dartmoor Society at Devon England, has rights in the contract and can require me for use at, and as a stud, this seems authorized. I know it might be difficult but please allow me go to England, please!
Yours still in heart,
Daniel and Marge
Written by T.K. Rustin
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