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“Remembering what Mama said:”
The load blown, collected, and savored by the three vile minded women and it was your time to learn the sensation of being in a corral.
Never before had you the same inkling thought how a four rail high broad fence could hem you in, hold you from going where you wished, and do anything your heart desired, until right then!
Standing naked to the harsh world, the first realization of what life for you is then to be like unto wells up a flood of anxious questions. Questions come to mind and pondering, one wonders how as an animal and a pony living of life differs greatly from that of being human, as well in many ways. This fact has until that moment evaded your taunted mind and senses. The three evil women kept you tickled and thrilled sensually, this bridging the void, allowing you to walk happily into a new form of life.
Lonely stands one who felt brave and bold while playfully a sensual toy for those women. Your sensational feelings have faded and are but a vivid memory, if but for the moment. The mind begins to run reams of calculations of pondering how being and living as a human is either drastically different or has some odd similarities.
Things different do not take long to calculate and list, but of what was similar, it is these to which your mind tends to concern itself.
A true horse like whinny and laugh emits from your greatly different mouth. It comes with the remembered words of what your Mama said. She had your best interests in mind on a constant basis, always reminding you, teaching what was proper and good for body and soul.
One such of her continued nagging reminders came from near every night as the family sat down to the evening supper table. She would eye at each one of her treasured children, stopping for a moment longer when looking at you. Her eyes met yours and the words were always the same.
“Dear child, remember to eat your salad, the roughage is good for the body and the greens are good for your blood!”
You laugh with some horrified apprehension as beginning at that very day your new appetite is dwelling on the consumption of what is green. Greens, green grass, green hay, green grains, and if as a stallion to redeem the essence of spirit and vitality, a cheap green beer shall be a daily bounty for you to enjoy.
If it were possible for an equine to cry, you would, but you cannot, and instead your mouth waters, green spit trails out past those thick lips, the tail flicks nervously, and you walk in small circles as a degrading mind begins to act and react accordingly to what you are, a pony!
Written by T.K. Rustin
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