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You feel a rush of air as the covers are rapidly lifted off you. You close your eyes and try to think of some explanation. But could anything rational explain what has happened to you?
"Evan? What in blazes are you doing?" your mother demands.
She called you Evan! You sit up and take a quick glance down at yourself. Yep, you are back to being Evan, and not a moment too soon. You shudder at how close you came to getting caught.
"Evan?" your mother repeats.
"Sorry, Mom. I`m okay," you reply slowly. "Um, I`m okay NOW, I mean. I wasn`t feeling good a minute ago. But I`m better . . . now."
"What was it? " she asks, a concerned look coming over her face. "Upset stomach? Fever?"
"A little upset stomach, I think," you answer with a smile. "I might`ve had one too many cookies."
"Keep eating like that and your father won`t be the only one with a belly," she warns you with a grin.
"Right. Thanks," you reply impatiently. You never did care much for nagging from your parents.
"All right, I`ll leave you alone," your mother says. "Don`t stay up too late tonight. You need to get back on a regular sleep schedule." She walks out and closes the door behind her.
Seconds later, the brunette materializes. As she reappears, you look down and notice you are changing again. Chest hair disappears, a pair of boobs develop on your chest, makeup appears on your face . . . you get the idea. You suddenly find yourself back to being Yvette the French maid.
"Hey, don`t change me back to a woman!" you hiss angrily in your French-accented female voice. "You`ll get me in trouble! They`ll think I`m some crazy woman who broke in!"
The brunette ignores you for a moment while she types some more commands. Suddenly, the device that caused all this craziness to start disappears!
"What did you do?" you demand.
"The device is safe," the brunette says soothingly. "I`ve merely taken the liberty of hiding it for now."
You are surprised that the brunette would do something so foolish. "Bad move," you growl. "Now you don`t have anything to protect you from . . . ."
"If you`re thinking of attacking me, not a good idea," the brunette warns sternly. "I programmed the device to give me its power. In other words, I can now change reality around me without actually holding the device in my hands. All I have to do is verbalize what I want, and I get it."
She points a finger at you. "For example, I can say `Yvette, kneel down and kiss my feet NOW.`"
You suddenly find yourself stooping down and kissing the brunette`s feet passionately. The brunette then says, "Get up and curtsey like a pretty little girl. NOW."
You obediently grab your poufy black maid skirt and perform a lovely little curtsey. When you are done, you shake your head as if trying to clear cobwebs. The brunette`s commands cause your head to feel a little foggy.
"There`s no point in resisting," the brunette laughs. "Now I can make you my puppet without using that fancy gadget you so graciously `gave` me."
You stole that thing from me, you think to yourself, silently cursing the brunette. It appears there may be no stopping her now.
Written by an anonymous author
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