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You enter the classroom and the first thing that you see is Sabrina walking up to the front and staring at you. You look at a clock and it says 12:55. You barely made it and choose a empty seat. You look around and see many types of were-animals. You look up front and see your teacher. He is a were-tiger, you guess, and see that he is staring right at you.
" Hello there! I am Mr.Claw and i am your teacher for the rest of student years. You are going to stand up for the class and introduce yourself right after Sabrina does.", he looks at Sabrina still shocked to see you there.
"Hello I am Sabrina and I am a Werewolf. I like nice people and hate show off people. I like to help others and I love to bike.", she said going back to her seat (which is to your right side).
You stand up and go to the front. You tell them your name and that you are a were-wolfer. Everyone was amazed by that and you noticed three she were-animals looking at your muscular body. When you finish, you go back to your seat and look at Sabrina. She smilies and you look back at the front.
" Thank you for sharing to the class. Now everyone, this is the first half of the school year and we have just started this year so everyone pay attention. This class helps you with your job placement and the mystical were-world! Please pull out your lab tops and press on the notes section.", Mr.Claw says. He looks around the room and sees everyone ready and paying attention.
"Ok, first we will learn about specific jobs here at L.R.C.O HQ. First is one of the top jobs in the entire L.R.C.O HQ, that is a Messanger. They are the people who bring other people to this place and train them to become a healthier person. They are also the next generation of the CEO of the L.R.C.O. Is there anyone that is part of this team?", he said. He looks around the room with hoping eyes. You and Sabrina both stand up at the same time.
"Ah we have two members in this classroom! That is rare because there are only allowed to have six messangers and two CEO. You two are very lucky you know.", Mr. Claw said with bright eyes. you both smile weakly and everyones' eyes are looking at you both.
"So then are you both partners?", he asked.
"yes.", you both say and then Mr.Claw smiled.
"Wow this is a very good chance indeed. You both are quite meant for each other.", with that said your eyes widened. You and Sabrina both stared at each other and sat down very quickly.
After that, the class went along and explained two jobs, yours and the lab workers. After class, you and Sabrina went into the elevator alone.
Written by BlackWolfboy27
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