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Abrasive with the way they touch at you, the rushing swirl of spirits and demonic hosts swoop a tight circle.
A black tornado of wild eyed spirits all glaring at you while they twirl and swirl together to do the will of a witch woman.
Through the black haze of determined spirits one can just make out the witch as she stands watching, laughing in an uproarious manner, definitely delighted at what will happen to you.
Where your skin and body feels the touch of precarious fingers that make changes, tending to the will of their master and the plan set forth by the witch, you begin to itch, feel a burning sensation, and know well that your clothing is being torn from off your body.
Knowing that animals do not wear clothing, the fact of your soon to be naked before the spirits and this witch tends to waver in your mind. Thinking of how humiliated and embarrassed you will feel when becoming an animal and treading before all man kind, being then naked; bearing before all what as a person you kept hidden.
Vague sensations come as if waves of change envelope about you.
Moment by minute comes odd feelings, as if having one time a human face and the next second all so drastically different, a bestial, vile, and monstrous face of some furious animal.
Anxiety turns to rare moments of lusty arousal, as what was human feels well endowed, more so then at any time in your life. An odd sight of something protruded far out before you, standing erect, and looking as perverse as would a witch want for those like you.
Cramping hands and contorting toes wheel and twist on their own, bringing pain and horrid anguish to a mind overflowing with sensations and strange, if instinctive ideals.
Spikes of pain shoot up and down, streaking along your spine, as if then jutting out past aching buttocks and a groin embroiled with sweeping swelling sensation, only to stiffen and then fade back to what you had as being a normal person.
Teeth hurt awful, your tongue is pulled out to protrude over sharp feelings and something massive and a stout growth out from your sore gums.
The soft and kind mannered person that is you changes from moment by time, kindness and consideration for fellows turns to a vicious attitude, one filled with jealousy and disdain for those around. You hate them as much as you find yourself something vile and disgusting, it tends to anger you at all the world; wanting then to lash out and make others know you sense of pain.
Intent feeling and rank ideas help to turn your attention from what encircled you, changing you to the level of atomic building blocks that begin and guide what we who are alive and living, as is life.
Slowly, with an obvious intent upon the spirits to finish and then test you as they would wish you to toe the mark for that witch; the host fades away like wisps of smoke from a campfire.
Suddenly, the host is gone, the witch too is gone, and you are standing there naked as the day you were born!
Impressed that you seem to be your old self again, the words of the witch still burn vividly in your memory of what just occurred.
Nakedness does not appeal to you, and the fact of what is and of those who if seeing one such as you are would make the word embarrassment as if minor to your total situation.
This begins to cause you anger, and mentally your thoughts turn to hatred of the witch for what she did, or had caused, will cause, or might do.
Anger begins the sweeping sense that clothing is something not required for such as is you!
Breathing becomes faster, harsh exhaling only instills within your thoughts the insatiable desire to lash out and grant unto others as sense of your personal agony.
Slowly, the first of many such times bares down upon your body with rank spikes of pain. The pain only adds to your hatred of all around you, making then the swelling od muscles to add great strength to what the witch made mention was a puny human form.
Jerking, twisting, the strikes of pain rush from your head, down the spine flashing out in all directions but the worst and most degrading sensation you realize id the sprouting and growth of a bestial tail.
Hands and arms reach out as if wanting grasp the witch about her neck and choke the very life out of her.
Feet ache, and cramping sensations rack toes, kinking your feet, pushing you to stand higher on those pain filled toes.
Hatred turns to the lusty thought of impaling the witch upon the end of your mighty shaft. The idea of this delights you and protruding from above your groin comes out a twisted and ugly looking thing that has nothing in common to what you had as when a human.
Knowing that the changes have taken you to new realms of becoming boldly beast like and brutal of thoughts; you change in attitude, finding this all as some great adventure. Adventure is the thought that holds your wits in one place, thinking of nothing else as what is happening to you is but the making of a new breed of Were-Boar swine.
Written by T.K. Rustin
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