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Sitting naked in your cage, you can barely make out hte outlines of other cages nearby. "Who's there?" you say, frightened, emasculated and generally unhappy with your current state of events.
"She got you too, eh?" comes a depressed, masculine-sounding voice from your left. "We're all trapped down here."
A a flicker of lights shines out in the direction of you voice. It's a small flame! But the flame is not what's surprising, the source of it is. It's attatched to the tip of a tail. And attatched to the base of that tale is a man - the source of the voice. He's better off than you are, but not by much; he has a thoroughly worn set of clothes on, and by the light of his tail-flame you think you can make out a half-dozen burn marks on his sleeves.
"We." he responds quietly. The flame on his tail grows brighter. Momentarily you catch glimpses of sihlouttes in the cages around you. The cages are arranged in parallel lines with spaces between them, all beneath some sort of massive overhanging sorting mechanism. The cages extend out of your sight in both directions; some of them are empty, but many of them have dimly illuminated figures in them.
The man with the charmander tail is in the cage immediately to your right. He moves to the bars of his cage closest to you to get a better look at you. Realizing you're nude, you back away anf try to cover yourself with your hands and your tails as best you can.
"There are hundreds of us down here. From what I've heard through the local grapevine, the first of us were transformed and caged right after Pokemon Red and Blue version came out. I think the good doctor," he said with a clear disgust, "is out to collect them all."
"That's sick!" you cry out, "No amount of money was worth going through all this sh*t!"
The man replies with a sigh, "Yeah, but you haven't seen the worst of this yet. The doctor also plays Pokemon Colloseum."
As you try to understand what he meant by that, he continues "You should get some rest. You'll need it for your first few rounds tomorrow."
What's a guy-turned-vulpix-girl to do?
Written by Roru
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)