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You can feel the panic rising again, and you gulp nervously and force it down. You're sweating heavily, and your entire body is trembling. For a brief moment, you think it might be some horrible dream, but never have your dreams felt so real before. For what feels like an hour you stand there, staring wide-eyed into the mirror at your reformed body. You know staring at the mirror isn't doing any good, but you can't help it; the shock and fear seem to root you in place.
Eventually you manage to tear yourself away from the mirror. Slowly, and still shaking, you head over to the bathroom, where you turn on the sink faucet and splash some cold water in your face. It's refreshing, and helps to cool and calm you down a bit. Breathing heavily, you look into the bathroom mirror. Still, that same girl looks back at you, just the same as before (the wetness causes her - your - hair to hang a bit lower, but you can't see that immediately).
Now refreshed, but still trembling a bit, you stand up straight and look around nervously. Something in the hallway catches your eye as you glance out the doorway, and you instinctually move closer to get a closer look. It's a photo hanging on the wall - a childhood photo of you. Your eyes widen in shock as you realize that the person in the picture is a young girl, about 8 years old, with long brown hair and wearing a simple lavender-gray dress.
You. A childhood version of your new feminine self.
In all the other pictures, past and present, it is the same. Instead of the familiar pictures of yourself as a young boy, they all depict younger versions of the same girl you have become.
With speed born from shock and terror, you race back to your room. You pull out the drawers of your dresser to find that all your clothes have been feminized - not just the ones you were wearing. Your underwear drawer has been refilled with undergarments of the feminine variety - though all are simple and plain, it is still highly distressing. The other drawers all contain various female-style shirts and skirts. In a panic, you throw open your closet to find it stocked with dresses and other such female-type clothing.
You look over to the desk where you keep your wallet, and are relieved to find it untouched. With all your other stuff having been feminized, you half-expected to find a pocketbook or something in its place. You're trembling so much it takes you several tries to get it open, but you manage it somehow. Pulling out your ID, your eyes widen at what you see. The photo on your ID depicts the same girl you saw in the mirrors, her eyes bright and her face set into an expression of slight amusement.
And the name... the name on the ID... Lisa Spence.
Your name. The name of your new feminine self.
You collapse to your hands and knees. This is just too much. Having been turned into a girl is bad enough, but it seems you've been thrust unwillingly into the body - and life - of some girl that (probably) doesn't exist - or didn't exist until now, you correct yourself, seeing as you are her.
Written by an anonymous author
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