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Everybody stares at you and your tail in amazement, then they all start laughing at you and want to touch your tail. You want to avoid them, so you run out of the room to somewhere else to try and figure this out. You sprint towards the portable and run behind it. Once you get there, you examine your tail to find that it is a cat's tail. It is very skinny but long and covered with fur. Just then you get a sharp pain on your head which feels like a massive migraine and a hard ear infection at the same time. You pull out a mirror that you had in your purse and look to see that your ears are moving up your head and sharpening. Look like cat ears. You are really freaked out by this and need to see Dr.Maroo. You stuff your tail in your pants so it is not noticable, and put on a hat to hide your ears. Soon as you finish desguising yourself, you make a run for it towards your car. You get in and drive to where Dr.Maroo was. You show her what is happening to you and she is shocked. "How did this happen?" asks Dr.Maroo. You shake your head and want her to give you an answer. Just then you feel your hands change into paws and your long nails become sharp claws. You realize in has only been two hours since you were turned into a girl. You remember seeing a clock in the portable that was an hour past turning into a chick. "You must be changing every hour. Each hour a new part gets transformed. The first hour must have been one that more happened than other ones. Did you go through many emotions that time?" asks Dr.Maroo. As a matter of fact you did. "It would appear that your emotions control your changing. More emotion useage = more changes that hour, and less emotion usage = less changesl" You are scared because you know that you are more sensitive now, especially with your emotions.
Written by me
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