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You've decided that flying is so much fun that you want to keep at it for just a minute more. Unfortunately, as you climb into the sky, diving, swooping, rolling, and doing all sorts of fun tricks, that minute becomes five, then ten . . . and so on. Then a cold wind slaps you in the face and you remember your friends need saving. You turn around and head back home. You climb in the window you left the house from and go to check on Scott, only he's not there. Then you hear a scream. A high-pitched, piercing scream.
It came from the attic (/grandpa's room). Or possibly the secret room. Has your hearing gotten better? You run back upstairs. "Liam!" an unmistakeably female voice yells. "Scott?" You step forward and then you fall into the secret room. Your wings open automatically, slowing your descent. Could you really pick up Scott (in his new form) and fly him to Dr. Hex's lab or whatever? You could call your dad, of course, and find out where it is, but you're pretty mad at Scott for not staying put. Is his new form even human?
When you land, you see a little girl with black hair like Scott's, looking completely freaked out. He obviously doesn't like being a girl. "Scott! I told you to wait in my room! Why did you come down here?!?" "You said something about a room of potions," he or she) mumbles, looking down at the floor. "Now what? It's not like we can just pick a potion off the shelf and change you back! Like I said, Mike got turned into me, but he frank the whole potion and I don't know what would happen if I drank it or you drank it! Be happy you're not stuck as a tiny girl or a spider or a werewolf!" "There's a werewof potion?" You sigh. He's obviouly not getting it. Then you hear the trumpet of an elephant.
"Liam!" You know that voice. But who is it? You grab Scott's wrist, race up the secret stairs, then downstairs. There's an elephant standing in the foyer now, wearing some kind of silver collar. "Liam!" It's the voice of Grant, one of your other friends. But where is he? And you don't like the looks of that elephant. But before you can take off, its trunk grabs you around the waist and lifts you into the air so you're eye to eye with it. "It's me, Grant!" But how'd he get turned into an elephant? "I took the job and the professor gave me a collar and I could turn into any animal I want and I chose elephant but it's mad and I can't control it and there's people after me!" he says in one breath. "Okay, what am I supposed to do about it?" you say. As if things couldn't get ant freakier. "Uh, change me back?" "Will you be wearing clothes?" "Just push the little button on the collar! It's too small for me to press!" You raise an eyebrow. "Couldn't you use a stick or a paper clip?" "How would an ELEPHANT get a paper clip without getting shot in the butt by a tranquilizer dart?" "All right, all right! Just bring me over to it." You see a button that's surprisingly normal-sized. "You couldn't press THIS?" You sigh and push it with your finger.
Suddenly you fall to the floor. Grant's back, but he's not wearing anything save the collar. It doesn't hel that anyone walking by could see right into your house through the big hole in it. Grant is mortified that parts of his body are seeing the light of day that shouldn't. He yanks off the collar and throws it to the floor. "By the way, I discovered a secret room in my house, took a potion that turned me into a girl, then got Mike to help me find the antidote, but instead he drank a potion that turned him into a girl and then another one that turned him into me before the sex change. Then we somehow found one that changed me back to normal except for these," You show off your magnificent wings, "and then Vanessa came over and Mike covered for me and they both ended up getting kidnapped by some guy named Dr. Hex, and then I got Scott to help me save them. Then I went out to practice flying and when I came back he'd drunk a potion that turned him into a girl." You gesture to the little girl standing next to you You check to make sure she's still standing next to you. "You can wear some of my clothes." He nods gratefully and runs upstairs. When he comes back down he says, "I'll help. But won't it be confusing when I see two of you?" "Look for the one who can't fly. I should probably call my dad to ask him where Dr. Hex's evil headquarters are, unless he think's I've already been kidnapped. He might let it slip to Dr. Hex that they have the wrong kid and then the secret will be out. ON second thought, maybe we shouldn't do that." It also occurs to you that it would've been easier to storm the place and save Mike and Vanessa with Grant in his elephant form. At least you can fly and no one knows you're actually free and planning to bust their hostages out, but that's the only thing you've got on your side. Tha is, unless you ask the professor (whose last name is unpronounceable) for help.
"Where did you last see the professor?" you ask Grant. "Uh, unconscious in the remains of his house," he says sheepishly. "Where is it, exactly?" "Uh, I'll show you. We have to hide your wings, though." "It's okay, I've got it covered," you say confidently. "But just to be safe, I'll grab a sweatshirt." You run up to your room and then back down. "Are you ready, guys?" "Uh, okay," Scott (what's the female version of Scott? It doesn't convert to female as easily as Mike) says. "All right, for Mike," Grant says. The three of you set out, trying your best to ignore the partially destroyed house you're leaving. Grant leads the way.
What will the professor say?
Written by Steve Charuk
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