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your passed out suddenly you see something. that horrible smiley face. wait something is different you always noticed the character below the smiley but never understood them but now it might as well be in words of plane English. I P C U irken planetary control unit. that word seems familiar "irken" you say in your unconscious mind. but those monsters are nothing like the ones you know (damn you Hollywood) the smiley changes suddenly it turns to a scope line and speaks "hello new use i am PAC personality accumulation computer. since this is a first time start up i will tell you a few ground rules" the computer said happily. "rules fuck I don't need your stikin' rules" you shout "then i will not be allowed to revive your body unless you agree to the terms of service". you freeze and face the representation "ok what rules". "the rules are simple failure to obey superiors will result in death, and leaving your suit will result it death by tickles do you agree?" you hadn't noticed until now but you are wearing one of the irken uniforms, being distracted you you yell "yeah ok what ever". "vary well your basic functions are transform control, comm network access and visual filter control." you ask " whats visual filter control ?" "your eyes suddenly freak out as pac takes control away to demonstrate." you have 5 view modes night vision" suddenly everything turns green and bright as day "binocular" your vision enhances and you can see far off into the distance "thermal" every footstep you made become visible is various grey scale "and pheromone" every thing goes dark " i don't think pheromone mode is working" you shout smugly " pheromone mode allows you to track biological creature even if they are cold blooded by seeing vapor trails left behind from their odor.your vision normalizes. in addition you will be able to access the internet just by thinking i will do the rest. finally you open your eyes your in a room surrounded by the people how just arrested and transformed you they have doughnuts,fries,soda, champagne, and a large sign that reads Welcome to the Force how do you react ?
Written by UberParasite
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)