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scratching your skin and pondering the "anti-venom", Maroo intoduces you to your teacher before class. his nametag on his desk says "Edward P Richtofen", and he speaks with an akward german accent."Ah, unt zis is ze doktas new pupil?" You shake his hand. "You will have To make up ze days du hast missed, 'Shtumpy'." Maroo giggles. You are rather small, but take "shtumpy" as pure insult. This is going to be one heck of a course.
Later, in class, Dr. Richtofen hands you a small book. "Zis iz for Shtumpy to make up his work, Read chaptaz 1-9 and zu will be caught up with ze rest of der class." "OK' you say, leafing through the book. you look around. as you open your desk, you see a little red vail. a post -it note is stuck to it, it says "Drink this! -Maroo P.S. that srynge was-" the note is torn off at that point. you slip the bottle in your pocket and wait until you get home.
After class, Maroo drives you to the parking lot, and as soon as his car is gone, you slip the bottle out of your pocket. "chip-chip." you look down. a squrrel is looking up at the vial. it jumps up and you drop the bottle out of exitement. it crashes on the ground. luckily not behind your tires. you kick the squirrel, get in the car, and drive home.
After the training weeks you go back to the other building and saw the man you originaly came to work for.suprisingly, he isnt there, only Dr. Richtofen."Ah, Shtumpy, I Have Great News! I have taken over der project zu has signed up for, zo we will start tomorrow vith der, um, unt procedures..." "okay, do i still get paid?" "Du vill be getting paid unt one million dollars extra to do this!"
Written by Dr. Richtofen P.S. i purposly mispelled some of Dr. Rs words
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