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You feel lightheaded as a strain builds in your legs and waist. In moments your thighs begin to bulk and hair grows visibly as you watch. Suddenly there is a sharp pain as you feel your leg bones extend. Your skin tears open in a few spots, but for the most part you feel the skin only stretch and become adjusted to the new shape.
The Doctor quickly covers the wounds and helps cauterize any bleeding, and the pain fades to a horrible ache in your joints. Then the changes die down. There is some uncomfortableness around your waist as it widens to compensate for your much larger legs, thighs, and feet. There is still a tingling sensation when the Doctor shakes his head.
"I think it's stopped," he says frowning. "This is NOT what I expected. Not at all." Muttering to himself he goes over to several notebooks and begins flipping through papers covered in chemical equations more foreign to you than Sanscrit.
Matilda looks worried, "Is he okay?" She has to ask again before he looks up to her.
"Oh? Uh. Well, yes. He's not dying... I'm pretty sure of that. Not unless I'm REALLY wrong."
Sighing you keep looking between your lower half and him, "What happened?"
"Well, it advanced the reaction, but for some reason it seems to had begun going too far in the wrong direction; and then it petered out. Why it did that I'm not sure. Unless..." You're about to ask if he meant he wasn't sure about the wrong direction or the halting of the process when he brings over the notes. He points to a few lines and a diagram of what might be elements or chemicals or shorthand for Martian. "This part here should had prevented any part of your natural distant relations from simians we didn't want reacting. After all, we wanted to lead you towards a genetic cousin, not a neanderthal. I'm wondering if it was too strong and halted much more than that."
"But my legs..?" you gesture to them. Damn, that tingle just isn't fading.
"Could be from one of the traits we did want to access but wasn't toned down properly by another trait that accidentally wasn't activated. Which means you might had some qualities that mankind and its forefathers never really had. A plus B equals Q when it comes to some of this, in a manner of speaking. I wouldn't worry. I'm going to do a once over to see where you are now. That should get me back on track with my research, and then I'll change you back."
"Hreddit muf tref," you say out loud, but half to yourself. You knew there were risks, but this is ridiculous.
Matilda and the Doctor both stare at you. "Why did you say?" he asks puzzled.
"I said 'This is ridiculous'," you tell them. You muttered it to yourself, but you didn't think it was that quiet. "That is all." Sighing you lay back down. Is that tingle getting stronger. "How long will it take to drovrag meg sfevierin?" you ask, getting impatient.
For some strange reason, the Doctor starts to look worried. "I'm going to put you under again. This should reduce the pain as I disinfect your wounds." He injects you with a needle, and as you go under you keep wondering why that tingle now feels like it is climbing up your spine.
Written by an anonymous author
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