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Being as it is the lifestyle of a farm animal, a pony and stallion, not everyday is a fun filled day. Like what is life for a human as I can remember, not every day was a good day. Fun times when as a young man came with many and often great fun distractions from the drudgery of working and or the responsibilities to the family. Friends put their demands upon the spare time, as did things what would entertain a mind boiling over with imaginary wishes what never culminated to become reality.
Male friends and the fewer female friends, some being true soulmate type friends, while others wanted help with what they had as their responsibilities, only to after the deed was completed they tended to fade and ignore.
Female friends were like my mares, most of them liking to taunt a healthy male with suggestions or offers of sensual fun times, when what they will do is flaunt, taunt, and walk away; as never go all the way. One of my mares likes to stand near me when we are together in the pastures. She does not taunt and flaunt her sexual desires as boldly as does a mare during her times when in dire need.
Kate, my constant companion does what she does to show her affections, acting in some ways as did my female friends did. Kate likes to come close and with her muzzle she presses it to my muzzle, and peaks out her tongue to enter my mouth and tongue play with my tongue.
I like to run and chase after Kate, she kept as and allowed to run in front of me, as I like her scent. We play, frolicking sometimes rather roughly but never do we draw blood or cause a dire injury upon the other. I have mated with Kate many times, as when she was in a dire need, I mounted and bred her six times during one week, but to date, she never became with foal.
Similar fun comes for me from the nearby farm when their jenny Mules get loose, and come looking for a willing stud to give them some essence of what they being female though sterile, want, and have dire desires to feel. The mules are fun for me, thought Kate stands nearby, she guarding her friend from jealous injuries the mules try to inflict, not wishing to take turns with me and my male member affections.
Many days the simple act of grazing takes all mental control of me and Kate as it does the small herd of mares. We mill about near the watering trough, but say nothing, tending to wander away and take to eating our belly full of mostly sweet grasses. Our days begin early with the rising of the sun and come to a close when the sun sets; reminding me of the human told phrase of "Early to bed and early to rise make for a person of being healthy and wise!"
Healthy I am, as never better now that I live my days in constant physical motion, running, galloping, frolicking, mating, it all works to help strengthen and keep a body strong. Mating is a natural male favorite fun enjoyment as it is for all males, human or animal. My manner of mating and from anything that tends to tickle my mental fancy, I gain an erection, sometimes going all the way to masturbating stallion style. My times when masturbating tends to draw Kate to stand near me, her tail close to my maleness, and my muzzle close to where her scent is a dense delight.
Kate will often when near and me then masturbating, she waits and watches for my tail to rise, the sign of my big balls sending out a load, she covers the end of my cock using her muzzle. Kate does for me what no human female companion ever did, and I like what she does.
Things sensual and sexual work to encompass my daily life, Kate is a fun gal, as are Jonesey, Betty, Francene, Matilda, Mabel, Carry, Easter, Janice, the occasional escaping jenny mules, and last but not without my appreciation is of Mr. Thompson's son Bobby, as he comes to me by night and likes to fondle, suckle, and fonicate in his unnatural gay methods of finding me as fun.
There are rainy days when we as horses and ponies are not let out of our stalls, equines I know are susceptible to lung diseases, what make us very ill, to near death. Then too there are many infections that happen from rough play times, that cause a horse pains, pains we suffer with in silence unless they become apparent to Bobby and he tends to bandage the injury.
Flies, bugs, things that bite, like ticks, and the occasional brushing past bramble weeds, or nettles with burs what get caught in tail or manes and become a prickly bother.
Rouge dogs are a equine menace, they bark and like to bite at our hocks, as chase us. Their nose is their foolhardy enemy, as I see them sniffing our often dropped road-apples, they tend to eat them and likely get sick.
Mares too, those who are born equines, the really ignorant ones, they drop a load of manure and turn to sniff it, not knowing the difference of feeling between crap and dropping a foal, they try to lick at it from equine mothering instincts.
I know what people think about farm type animals and me having become as one, I learned how wrong people are about what is our way of life. No life is easy, their are enemies and difficulties what cause perils whether one walks on two legs or four.
Written by Vaulthurst
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