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"You look tired, Master, as I have read the account of biblical creation. The passages read as the whole of creation took six days. My recreating of you to be your fun fantasy Angus Bull self shall need more time than just one day.
You need to rest, as your body has become weakened by my changing of it." Fatima says, her voice is soft and shows her caring for a man who became then a bovine Bull.
She seems especially caring for her new as changed Master, as you and she realize of your asking and becoming an animal has for sure damned you for leaving the human race.
A tired yawn and a soft mooing helped to break the tension felt by all, as Fatima waved her hands and caused her mostly bullish Master to levitate, he floating, she moved him to where he being a Bull could lie, rest, and sleep. When floated down to lie relaxed and allowed to contemplate more about what you owned, but gave away when becoming an animal, a Bull, what were your possessions Fatima could have, as tired eyes saw her watching her Master.
An almost moan came out of her Master with you being a very akin to an Angus breed yearling bull. You were asleep, as mentally beginning to gain an in depth realization as to your becoming an animal.
"Sleep deep my Master, as from you being an animal, a herd Bull, you shall cease owning of things, and be then a thing as owned.
You Master makes me laugh, as a thing of irony, as that man had for centuries fought to be free from slavery. You feel a desire that is oddly foolish, asking a wish to become both as an animal, and allowed to be then enslaved, you owned, and made use of as your owners would so plan or desire.
Ha, I see your line of thought is not without a physical reaction, and with watching, I smile as my Master lies on his back, his sheath stiff, but his erect bullish penis, it being stoutly aroused, standing stiff, pointing skyward. He thinks he is as human, his forelegs and cloven hoofs trying hard to reach as give a touch to his erection.
Again, what was in part a man but mostly a brute beastly Bull, has combined to disallow his ability of stroking his erection. If I were to be of aid, and enhance his urges as felt by me doing the stroking of the stoutly erect shaft, I think very soon he might ejaculate, spewing forth three to five streams of male semen.
Thar' he blows, as the saying goes, my Master draining away the last of his human semen, and causing his enhanced genitals to produce only bovine semen." Fatima said, she laughing at her foolish master. With a flick of her index finger, she rolled her bullish master over on his right side, leaving her horny Master to dealing with his male bovine endowed self.
"Sleep now my Master," Fatima said with that soft as if motherly caring tone. It was as well her thought of her Master, that if he could or would sleep, his body would continue to regulate, changing further to his looking and being of the bovine species.
Fatima turned around and walked slowly away, she thinking that come the morning a fully quadruped bull animal would awake, as arise, to stand properly on all fours. The lifting of a boney tail begins the deflation of a full bladder, as he realizing his future felling the urination coming out from his bellied sheath. A moment later and with some added diaphragm compression, his bowels will expel, making room for when he begins to graze.
Sleep comes slowly to a man reeling from feeling horny, and fully aroused. He should be tired, as transforming takes a toll on a body.
Even as he sleeps the new feelings make sleep deepen, he rests easier after ejaculating of such volume his thicker semen, it spewed, as lay sticky in clods attached then to his body covered with body fur. His wish of childhood years is coming true with a strange realization as to his new realty. He was wishing he had planned earlier his first ever going it alone on a vacation as without his parents. He dreams of his changed self, being a Black Angus Bull and meeting his parents, as of their fears for him, or of him. As owned by some farmer, his parents would never see him again, and truthful to self, he holds of some odd hope that he when being a herd Bull; he would not need to look at his human mother.
Somewhere in thoughts and worries, he fell into a deep sleep. As he slept, his legs thrashed, they kicking, his tail swatting, while dreaming of being a furred of body as the only comforting factor about being like a Bull.
"Run, snort, and charge," were the thoughts of a man becoming a Bull. Unbelievable to a Genie of her Master wishing for to change to his body, defaming of self to being a Bull animal; and his defer the ability to be the master of a Genie. Come the morning and he shall awaken being a yearling Bull, a fully functioning male but not mature enough to begin mating with heifers or cows.
The dark of night and the dreams become as nightmares to place fear in the mind of a young man, thrilled as delighted with his gaining his greatest fun fantasy as becoming his new reality. At the peak of some dreamt situation, his screaming panicky bellowed mooing awoke Fatima who came to the aid of her Master.
"Master, oh Master, wake up, wake up," Fatima said as she stood beside him, she shaking her changed Master to awake and meet, as greet his new self on his first day of being a Black Angus breed of a Bull, he an animal.
"Cough, hack, snuffle, snort, snort, to then a long-bellowed moo," and he the Master of her, awoke to discover he was not human.
"A hearty good morning to you young Bull. As now, from you becoming an animal, you cannot be my Master. Your wish for becoming an animal has changed your status, to me finding it desirable with leaving you as a beast of the field.
With your awakening on this morning shall bring upon you new wants, as to get a drink from a stream, puddle or bucket. You might feel a great urge to empty your bowels, as I suggest of such you need to walk away from where you slept, and do it like a Bull would, letting it flop on the hard ground.
Your next inclination will be of eating, as for you that is as grazing. You have grown a tail and those weighty things swinging, bonking at strong hocks are your testicles.
Your arms have conformed, they being as forelegs now, hands are your cloven hoofs, as to the rear you are wholly changed to having the rump, hind legs, hocks, and hind feet with hide hoofs like the bull animal you are, and shall for a lifetime of being an animal, I deemed you need remain an animal.
I see by your aroused feelings and the hanging erection that you like your new state and form. Acting in good faith as I promised, your genie here shall remain by your side through this day and for several more days and nights, until what was human is acting properly to his being a bovine Bull animal. I shall arrange for you to meet a few yearling size heifers, as by my powers I shall arouse in them feelings of estrus, as make them want of you, to mate with them!
Your previous nighttime of ejaculating has depleted much of your human semen, as a fuller depleting is required for you to then remain a Bull, and on a permanent basis.
Understand this, as with mating of a heifer or later with several cows, doing each three or more times shall evacuate every smigine or twit of human sperm from your much enlarged as bovine enhanced testicles.
Now walk and take some deep inhaled breaths of morning air. Yes, come my..., cute bull, the lover of cow butts, yes walk slow and with ease as to where there is green grass to give you your breakfast. Invigorating is it not, as stand and feeling the cool breeze tickling every furry hair on your black furred body. Nice is it not the rush of air fluffing at your bare anus, and through as around your tail.
Interesting the sensation of what as a human was kept away from the light of day, tucked snug between your buttocks, is now open to the air, the sun light, and every insect wishing to avail their need to eat the traces of poo sticking to your now a black colored, anal passage.
Interesting as well the feel as of many sensations from being naked and furry, as this shall be for you a constant delight. Give into your new animal instincts and try as learn how to lip nibble and graze on grasses and tree bark, or green foliage."
With her ceasing her conversing the bovine sensitive mind and what remained of the human intellect goes to mingling, urging a new Bull to do as he should, as he must to live his life as a grazing animal. As having of four legs and cloven hoofs replacing fingers and toes, is of their self as something different and strange a sensation. The sensation of the great strength of the hind legs as even with slow walking moves the feeling of confidence in the sheer bodily strength of stout legs.
Fatima stands nearby watching, she wearing a small smile, is showing her thoughts of her impressed by her magical handiwork.
"My, oh my, but you are so perfect of physical conformation. Your tail is nicely set high for when you walk, as it portrays an attitude. As you walk even, the manner of your walking says much about the fluid form of how you being a Bull, shall look when trotting to meet a cow.
You own that look to be completely comfortable from becoming a Bull and animal as your new and I shall admit your permanent bodily self.
Oh true, my powers being what they are, I could if I wanted to as change you back, to be again that young human male person, but that was not my plan.
Oh, to be assured that my care for your approval of my ability is of a minor concern to me. You being now your sexual-fantasy embodiment being what you thought of yourself, as a "Subject-cum-animal," or correctly said, a herd sire!
Knowingly that what you are of form was wholly consensual at first, as with time the transformation shall gift you a happy sense of feeling contented, and cooperative to learn what it is to be a herd-sire bull.
To my perfect recollection, no human I having changed into an animal form could speak or talk to express their passions about such their animalistic experience. All of what I have said and of what I told you, your mind shall retain, as you shall recall at various times to come.
I have located a farm some many miles from this lovely place where you can truly begin your sexual bullish endeavors. Of those who I have transformed to being animals, the males who after fully changed find as their greater delight the heightened libido of a male animal, as it works to aid with their ability to mate.
The farm is a livestock breeding farm, and a good place for you to begin acting the part of a sire bull. The mating shall add to your manner of agility, enhancing the muscular and bone joints. Mating helps your body in other ways, giving a changed body better control, as responsive.
You had wished to retain your human intellect when becoming a bull; and that was fine with me. Although with time and experiencing the often, as long spans of time when left standing in pasture without a cow feeling her need, your human mentality will know boredom. You will at various times when feeling bored or uncomfortable may want to express your feelings by way of past human abilities of communicating, but of speaking your mind you have limitations.
Your intellect is of a generality type, you know of who and what you were as what you wished to become. As of what you as a young human had learned by the age before changed of species, for the most part should prove to be as quite useless and will without the need to read, as able to write nor talk all passing of time will encroach your mental change to being equal to a born bull's mental state.
I shall stay near to you during your first few months of learning to cope with being an animal and as a breeder bull. I do not usually stay with and tend to a changeling, but you being how nicely you have transformed, interests me. You being so thrilled by being changed of form, your enhanced male body tends to impress me, even to the possibility that for a while I might become a cow and have you mate with me, to me now that seems like it would be fun!"
Written by AdobeFats
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