Event (In): Discard the top card from
your Sept deck. Add 2 to the block value of the
first defense card this character plays in this
Event (Out): Discard to use. This
character enters the Hunting Grounds and replaces
the current Prey in combat (drawing a new combat
hand). The original Prey remains in the Hunting
Text:Main: If
the Umbra level is 2 or lower, a target Garou heals 1
This Garou takes 1 wound during the Start of Turn Phase
if the Umbra is at level 4 or 5.
Text:Pre-Combat (In):
If you are the Prey, name any two of the following Combat card
types: attack, defense, flex, or counterattack. (For example, you
might choose attack and defense.) Your opponent must pay 2 extra
Rage each time he uses either of those card types in this combat.
Combat Event (In): Discard to use. If
both the Hunter and the Prey survived the combat,
start a new combat with the same two characters.
This chracter is the Hunter in the new combat.
Flavor: "You cannot
hide from me, Wyrm-eaten cur! I will kill you for
what you did at the Dam!" -Friede
Text:Pre-Combat (In):
Each combatant draws an extra Combat card.
Flavor: "Then one day I saw ol'
Dan standin' as tall as Jim Bowie, facin' down a mean ol' Wendigo.
That Wendigo, he said he were from the future. I reckon he were
from Kansas City."
- Mortimer Jones
Name any 1 Sept card. Look at the top 3 cards
from target player's Sept deck. If the named card
appears, discard all 3 cards. If not, replace
them on the deck in any order.
Flavor: "This has
gone on long enough. I will stop them."
Text:Pre-Combat (In):
Discard this Gift and a Sept card from your hand. If you are the
Prey, you can pick another target in the Hunting Grounds to take
your place, as long as the target is not controlled by the same
player that attacked you.
Flavor: "He burned the hotel. He's
with the Black Furies, you know..." - Matthew
Text: This character may
not be the target of challenges. Challenges by
this character may only be turned down if the
targeted character's owner discards a Sept card
from her hand.
Flavor: "Who needs
the Leap when you can jump 'em in the
alleys?" -Root Beer Charlie
Combat Round Event (In) / Combat Event (In):
If this Garou is in Lupus form, this Garou gains
the initiative. This Event may be done more than
one time per combat, but may not be sued if you
had the initiative last round and did not play a
Combat card.
Reveal the top four cards from a target opponent's
Sept deck. You can play any Event, Enemy or Victim
cards that you reveal immediately, as if they were in
your hand, regardless of the cards' requirements.
Return all unused cards to the bottom of the owner's
Sept deck.
Event (In): The first Combat card played
by this character is played as if it had a 0 Rage
cost. You may only use this Combat Event 1 time
per turn.
Flavor: "...but
Marta grabbed our desperate foe by the scruff.
She lifted him over her head..."
Event (In): Use only if this character
is the Prey. When your opponent has the
initiative, he must pay 1 extra Rage to play
non-Event Combat cards.
Text:Post-Combat (In):
Discard this Gift if your opponent survived this combat. The next
alpha to act this round must attack your opponent, if possible.
Every other alpha this turn must either discard a Sept card from
her hand or attack your opponent, if possible.
Text:Pre-Combat (In):
If you are the Prey, discard this Gift to discard the top card of
your opponent's Combat deck. If that card is Rage 3 or higher,
end this combat and start a new one with this character and any
pack member from your attacker's pack. This character becomes the
Flavor: "The attacks are getting out
of hand." - Iron Mark