Interesting Territories
The tribes are still getting their act together when it
comes to Web pages--yeah, I know, and we're pinnacles of design and
execution, right?--so there's not a whole lot out there at the moment. But
that just makes the stuff that is there all the more interesting.
So here's some other Web sites that are worth checking out.
Garou Stuff
When they're not busy shredding each other, the Garou can
actually be pretty fun to hang around. Here's some places well worth
looking into. Just don't make too many sudden moves.

Ever wonder how the Get decide who takes out the garbage?
Now you know. |
A very nice site; Surfers will love it, and there's a lot for the
Frequent Flyers too. Great use of graphics. Lots of juicy Bone Gnawer
gravy here; there's some meat as well--strategy hints on cards, for
example. Keep it up, folks.
This is the very beginnings of a site, and it shows. The Hall of Fame
section is the bright point; there's some nice pics there. The
"Who are the Children of Gaia" section is a placeholder... we
hope. (C'mon; I know you're Children of Gaia and all modest and humble and
peace-loving and such, but this is your tribe site, man...
Dress it up a little. There's gotta be a Galliard somewhere that you can
sit down with for fifteen minutes or so; you'll get all the flowing
angst-ridden prose you'll need.) And that title-page "Children of
Gaia" graphic... I'm sorry, but any graphic on your
main page that's wider than 640 pixels or bigger than 50K should require
a note from Lore-Speaker Gron herself. (Yes, she's dead. Exactly my
point.) [98/11/30]
Other Rage Stuff
The tribes aren't the only ones with juicy Rage stuff.
Very interesting new portal site. [99/05/11]
FAQs, tournament rules, and other great stuff; the Garou light
bulb jokes are worth the price of admission. [98/11/17]
Simple, but effective. [98/11/17]
A pretty darn comprehensive set of links. [98/11/22]
Very complete spoiler list. Very pretty; nicely formatted. It used to
be all on one page, and took forever to load; now it's gone to the other
extreme--every card is on a separate page, so there's lotsa clicking
involved. (Yeah, yeah, I know, there's no pleasing some people.)
Great site. Card lists, FAQs, and a pretty darn cool online version of
the rulebook. The spoiler lists there are incomplete, but hey... more
job security for us. Rumor has it that the Wendigo have been poking
around here; in fact, the whole place may be some sort of Wendigo front.
It'll be interesting to see what plays out. [98/11/17]
If you're just looking to keep up-to-date with the wacky Garou hijinks
in Las Vegas, this is for you. [98/11/17]
Some interesting info here about the assorted Rage promotional cards
(for both the White Wolf and FRPG incarnations of the game).
Corporate Stuff
Pentex hasn't gotten to everybody yet; there's still some
okay corporations out there. Besides, we've gotta keep 'em around; if they
were gone, who'd print up the darn cards?
- The publisher of the Rage card
game. Lotsa cool stuff about the game, about what's coming soon with it,
and about the Garou
Nation fan club. (No, there's no Nuwisha Nation club. Hmph.
Blatant species discrimination if you ask me.) [98/11/17]
Makers of the original Rage card game (before it died and Five Rings
picked up the pieces). Info about the
the Apocalypse roleplaying game that Rage is based on. [98/11/17]
A pretty low-key computer game company. What's so special about them,
you ask? Well, they're coming out with a Werewolf
computer game in '99, and it looks like it's gonna be nifty. If you've
always wondered what it would be like to be a slavering engine of
destruction, this'll be your chance. [98/11/17]
Linking Here
You're more than welcome to link here; and if you let us
know, we'll be happy to return the favor... just be prepared for an honest
assessment of your site along with the link. (And honest assessments of this
site are likewise welcome.) All we ask is that you link to the main page
since we may move the other pages around to make room for new stuff.
If you just want to put in a text link, that's fine. If
you already have a snazzy set of link graphics, that's fine. But if--and we
emphasize the word if--you're looking for a button or a graphic for
the link, here's a few possibilities to choose from:
Here's an animated button, in the brief-but-proud tradition of Rage
animated buttons. 88x31 pixels; about 10K. Use this one if it doesn't make
your page too big.
A stripped-down, bandwidth-saving version of the same button. 88x31 pixels;
about 4.5K.
A banner-ad sized, well, banner ad. 468x60 pixels; about 9K.