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You finally collapse at the top of the stairs, heaving and gasping for air as your form ebbs back and forth from the motion. "You really need to install an elevator," you manage to say between inhalations. You look around and see a number of things, the workshop looks somewhat like an observatory. A telescope points out a small port hole, while work benches filled with odd bottles and baskets of dried plants line the walls, along with a number of shelves containing more bottles and containers or liquids. The walls have a number of black boards with arcane looking equations on it, and a large black cauldron sits in the middle, though it looks like it hasn't been used in a while.
"Now, where to start," says Agatha, opening the book once more and examining the entry. "A counterspell isn't likely to do much good, fae like to rhyme on occasion, but it's not really spellwork, just entertaining themselves." She looks at the entry about potions, "That may work. Hmmmm," she looks deep in thought for a moment, "I have a number of potions from my living days," she says, "I'm not sure how they've kept through the years though. Not many people come looking for a cure when your dead." You manage to push yourself onto your feet and walk over. "Can't you just mix up something new?" you ask, "I mean it just like cooking right, mix some ingredients together?"
"If magic were that simple you'd have sorcerers all over the place mixing up batches of who knows what." she says a little irritated, "Magic comes from within, while the ingredients of potions help shape that magic, all potions need you to put a part of yourself into it, intent, spirit, and soul, and unfortunately, my magic days ended when I passed on. A ghost is an echo of a person, but the part of me that supplies the magic moved when my life ended, thus all I can mix up here is basically soup. Although..." and she floats down to you, "YOU could always give it a shot. I can direct you on the ingredients, though I'm not sure how well you'll fair since you've never had any formal training..."
Written by Spots
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