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You stand there looking at jason all of a sudden the docter yells "hold him!" you look at him with a suprised look, two Galiminusis grab you "hey watch it" you say the docter walks over with a hyperdirmic needle labeled (Velicoraptor) he jabs the needle into your leg. you begin to change your 5 fingers fuse into 3 and claws come ripping out same with your toes and the "killer claw on your big toe jets out with a sharp pain, your back bone starts to extend into a long stiff tail and your hair falls out, scals start to appear and your teeth begin to change into long fangs your mouth extens taking your nose along with it forming a snout this causes your eyes to shift to the side of your head, your eyes change from round human to slited reptilen and your pubic bone extend donward durning this you yells and screams of pain become growls, roars, and screechs the littles spikes appear on your head. Then unlike your friends your humanity fades. you now are a visous killing creature.
Written by Chris (Raptor)
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