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You continue to thrash and growl to finnish off the transformation the red feathers of a male velociraptor sprout. As your last bits of humanity fade away you think to yourself "Why does this always have to happen to me?" You are thrashing about on the table unable to control yourself inside your human mind is aware but the reptilian part of your brain is in control. Your eyes are bright orange with whisps of gold mixed in. You are a little over 5 feet tall. As you start to calm down a littal bit your gaze falls to the other side of the room. At the end you see two girls also being stuck with needles but your reptilian brain can't seem to grasp the concept as to why the girls look familiar. The girls are twisting into the shape of velociraptors but look differant. Instead of bright maroon feathers two blue stripes flanked by white run the length of their body. Their eyes turn blue and three large blue feathers grow from the top of their heads.
When they are done they look like twins but their stripes fray in differant spots. Then five small flimsy cartalage spikes come from there backs. They seem to have the same anatomy but slightly smaller then you and have less feathers. You see the doctors loose grip on you you quickly push up on their chests to get them out of your way and run over to the doctors holding the females down. They take your example and push the doctors off themselves. They caution as they approch you, you move towards them and they except you are their dominate male.
Then your human mind takes over again seeing that all the doctors are passed out, you come to the quick conclution that when you are threatend you become the raptor but otherwise have a humans brain. Then females seem to be acting more like humans now as well. You try to speak english but all that comes out is complex array of squaks and trills. The females seem to understand you and say back to you in answer to your earlier question which was "Who are you?" They say back in raptor unable to make sounds of english "I am Teresa." says the raptor on the left "And I am Sara." the other one says "Well I guess that this means we can't speak english anymore." you say to them. "It seems out human voices are intergrated into our raptor voices cause your voices sound familiar." you hear the old person behind you within seconds you are back to being a killer the girls are too you surround him as he begins to talk but strangely you know he is speaking eniglish but you can't understand him. He rips his coat to make a white flag the tidbit of human left in the raptor knows he is not a treat and the raptor fades away. Now that you are able to understand him he continues to talk. He goes over to the refidgerator and pulls out three peices of red meat. In a flash your instinct takes over and you snatch the peices away and bring them to Teresa and Sara. They act like the animals that they are and swallow the meat as do you. The doctor looking satified with his work walks back slowly and presses a red button and quickly explains "Now all of the teens here will act as the animals that they have always been." Taking that as an offense you and the girls race towards him and jump and are caught by a machanical arm. "They now will all act as you do. And now I will advertise a resort getaway and make all teenagers who come here dinosaurs. But how you ask I will catch them and for the ones I don't catch the bite from your kind will transform them into a dinosaur that best fits them."
Written by Yoka Kitsune
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