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"What hasss happened to meeeeee!?" the human-now-dragon asks.
"You are now my dragon mount. Your name shall be Dralyl, living to serve me until I see fit." you reply, something keeps gnawing at the back of your head.
"But whyyyyy? We were bothhhhh oncccce humanssss. And my name is Ssssshane!" the dragon replies.
Finally, the thing in your brain clicks. You start feeling guilt, a human emotion you almost lost. Soon, all of your other human thoughts and feelings return.
"Oh no! What have I done?" you say. You look up at the dragon Shane and tell him, "I'm sorry."
"Isssss there a wayyy to change meeee back?" Shane hisses. You think for a few minutes before coming to the conclusion that there is no way to change him back.
"Thissss helmet willl not change meee back?" Shane asks.
"No," you reply, "I infused it with Alligator Tribe magic. It's irreversable."
"Wellll, it lookssss like I'm ssstuck thisss wayyy. Sssssooo...."
"Alligor." you say since you forgot your human name.
"Ssssoo Alligorrrr. Willl you help me esssscape? If you do, I promissssse to be your ssssservant." Shane offers.
"I will help you escape, but do not submit yourself to me," you reply, "Let's be known as 'partners'."
"Alright, Alligorrrr. Where ssshall weee sssstart?" Shane asks.
"Well.." you say
Written by eddiehaskell
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)