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Horrified, but what can one do when you made your Genie angry, and worse, she is mad at her master for being an Ass. As with the ass end she begins her taunting of a human male with the first pangs of female equine Ass passions.
A jolt of Jinn power strikes, erupting the tail bone to jut forth the spine of a donkey tail. It hurt like hell, as if she rammed a hot ice pick up the end of the spine and grave it a twist.
As the tail extends and begins to florish of form and ability, the change and swelling of the rump begins in earnest. Moaning at the prospect of becoming female, equine, as is a jennet Ass animal, the rank new pangs racing in the groin, crotch, and encircling the anus is near enough to drive a man crazy.
As the testicles wither and looking like dried prunes they soon fall to the ground, and are dead. Next was the penis, it too withered and dried, fell off and hit the ground turned to gray dust.
A heavy swelling sensation in both the groin and the butt is a fore-sign of an udder with two teats, and the slit vulva opening to your female depths. The udder offers a strange sense of sensation, as in the mind comes a faint remembered delight similar to having an erection but what was pre seaps out as milk from bloated teat.
Tongue lolls from a larger mouth as the first rank pangs of estrus strike and dampen the black lips of a jennet Ass vulva. "Oh, oh, Oh," is all one can utter, feeling the want as wish for a stallion to come and fill an aching sexual void. Passion is the damnation coming to engulf and degrade the male human to be as act like a terse female Ass!
Written by T.K. Rustin
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