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Even as what is happening and has happened, the changing of the human body to be as then an equine body comes with many forms of discomfort. Fatima in her sense of anger acts with brutal forces to deem what was born human and male, as change, becoming equine of species, female of gender, and horny for what a male thinking mind, never held a natural thought, or want to feel.
"Does my foolish human now feel a want for being filled?" Fatima said, she taunting her victim as she had to so many others in her sordid past.
Panting, the tongue lolled out the donkey muzzle like mouth, as casting a gaze upward at "Fat" Fatima the newly transformed donkey tried to speak her feelings of dismay; only to bray!
Pawing then with her right foreleg and hoof at the ground, she begins swinging her donkey tail, as her long furry ears flop back agains her thicker equine skull.
"Oh look at what I have done to you, as not so bold by becoming an animal, and added to that sense of disdain, you are as a female feeling her new need for a male to remove her vaginal pangs. Just Imagine the glory you might well have felt if by wishing nicer that you try what it is like for becoming a stud male donkey?
I could leave you to permanently remain as a jennet donkey, and I just might do that, if not that it would violate a rule of my being a Genie.
Indeed, your new bodily self is as I speak finalizing the transitions to you being all female and as well a donkey ANIMAL!
Animal, yes oh yes, how I do like that word when speaking of a male human feeling his being demeaned of self!
Two years, yes I deem you then the span of time equal to your becoming inseminated, bred by another of your kind. As then, shall you be pregnant, and give birth to a foal. Ah but your foaling shall require you to wean, letting your foal suckle your teats until it is able to graze.
Know this well, that from two years time your mating and pregnancy, as well foaling and weaning needs not that span, amount of time. As after weaning the near undeniable urge to mate again will come and give you such passions for mating. Yet, if you chose to mate a second time your choice is to then live your life being a horny female donkey.
However, if your intestinal fortitude of being previously as a male remains viable, and you abstain from having a donkey mating you, you can return to being your manly self; with me being you faithfuil, willing Genie.
Now, enough told to you, as your body and legs have fully conformed to becoming that of a donkey. It is time for you to wander, sniffing the breeze for equine scents, looking to join a herd, as knowing only a want to feeling as a female donkey with the sensation as filled full to hwere the semen will seep out your blackened vulva lips!"
That bit of damnation put upon a human male mindset and the beast you became took then control, having the new donkey to walking, as gallop away; wishing to discover a friendly herd of her own kind.
Written by AdobeFats
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