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What was thought of as a wildly wondrous way of existing through life did not pan out as a joyous fun lifestyle.
A body without appendages, no arms, nos hands, of fingers. The occasional itch can drive a mind mad when it encompasses the whole of the personal body. Unable to scratch at where there is an annoying itchy feeling makes for the person to try and wiggle, as riggle, slapping the cock body against the insides of broad equine thighs.
The slapping tends to annoy the host equine above, and he does what his instincts tells him, he takes off to run.
An erect horse's cock finds itself as thrashed harshly from side to side, when its host takes off on a wild running to get away from you, his annoying sensation that is part of his body.
As running tends to deflate the cock body from blood, as the blood is required by a running and annoyed host horse body, that what is not necessary for sensuality tends to shrink up, going inside its sheath, a dark home. Although the sheath works well to offer protection from the elements, keeping what is sensitive as warm, away from biting insects, and the nasty minds of mares who like to try or would take a bite of that what is the sensual body.
Too much of even what was thought of being great fun and/or sensual a lifestyle, comes with the doldrum of boredom. As a stallion loves to toy with what grants him a sensual delight, he does not seek to walk around with a constant erection. Never considered when talking with the Genie, as she who understands more of what her past Masters had to endure during their fun fling wishes, she failed to suggest what to you the wisher should be obvious.
The obvious part of a cock body belonging to a male horse comes with many hours during either day or night when his mind is held captive, and his feeling as aroused is limited, or just not there!
Again, as being but a cylindrical male organ, without hands, devoid of the ability to take a leave from where the whole body is as attached, lends to additional levels of rank boredom to a human, rational, reasoning, thinking mind. Boredom is by being alone with just itself, having nothing to accomplish, nothing to feel as a gain, begets fits of anger.
Annoying too, is the dusk kicked up during any dashing action, or while the host horse is running, its hoofs disturb dirty dust clouds, as well chucked dirt, mud and any slop from of the road tends to come flying back at and coating the sheath, scrotum is filth. This seeps into the sheath and helps to make the cock body as caked or encrusted with dusty dirt. The then encrusted with dirt cock body tends to lose as own a lessened amount of sensuality that the cock would find enjoyable, and the host horse above loses his sense of being aroused, making his cock to collapse back inside the sheath; adding to the doldrum of another day stuck doing nothing.
What was originally perceived as being a fun life, had from the passing of dull times, long doldrum disuse by the host horse, and a mental need of being human still your mind for a natural desire to find gain from life.
Life became a very small world when made a captive, unable to roam, as every thought is devoted toward giving the host what he wants to feel, to relish. The becoming a serving body organ with an alert idea as to its existing becomes maddening to the mentality held trapped. Only during the few times when those mares of the host horse above show him scents and signals as to their desiring a female need, an itch that needs a stallion to scratch, does life as a horse cock find fun and meaning.
Sadly when the foolish human changed and merged into being his existence as a horse cock, does that one fool realize what all he had thrown away. The grandiose existence of being born and to living the lifestyle of a human embodiments grants so much more gain, the sheer comparing of being a male organ to a horse seems an insane idea!
Hours being, as days turned into weeks of long times when nothing happened and the cock body remained hidden away from life, light, and a positive use.
As with the awakening at sunrise comes the blandish rush of expelling the bladder load, a distasteful stench of hot body waters and wastes that tend to make that foolish sensuality seeking mind to feel disgust. When the urinating ceases and the horse host has had its fill of cock-body sensual feeling, his beastly mind becomes attuned with direct distractions around him.
The mindful cock body and its mouth, as part of that fool wish made to the Genie, the rank flavor of horse urine is retained, making the rational, thinking mentality lodged inside the male organ to think only about the discomfort of having to taste a bad flavor until it is replaced by some other tasty delight.
As to tasty delights when being the male organ to a stallion horse, the menu has few choices, that by the urges of the host horse are as limited. Vile and acrid flavored urine never was thought of as a if some sort of neat a thing to taste and savor. The flavor of dribbling pre before the wild thrill of indulging in sexual copulating has a mild taste, but nothing sensational.
The grand sort of full evacuating delight comes with the surge-rush of ejaculated semen that the cock body-mouth can but let it spew. The spewing of semen during masturbation times or when the cock-body is as buried up to the cock-body eyeballs with mare genitalia, the rich creamy taste and aftertaste cleans the cock throat and tongue back to feeling delightful.
That what is and continued as perceived being a real delight from living life as the male genitals of a stallion horse are but few, and spaced far between as fun times worth enjoyment.
Somewhere in time, as after what felt like an eternity of disdain and drastic nasty flavors, the use of that third, as if still available a wish, is as a dire hope to rid the mind, and self from a life of belittlement.
Written by AdobeFats
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