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Please hear me, Fatima, my Genie, hear oh listen to your changed past Master, as he has a third wish to express!
Indeed I did, as near to bored out of what mind and mentality left in me, as due and from my time being the horse-cock to a mighty Percheron stallion was enough!
What insanity would come from tasting of stallion horse urine pissed out my mouth as five to seven times each day. There remained a sense of joy and whole-body arousal from becoming as aroused and erect in an erections, whether to mate or masturbate, the out-pouring was a relief from the acrid tasting of frothing urine.
How stupid a human mid can become when following the desires placed inside a brain by devils from Hell. All good sense and reasoning fails the proper meaning for living of lif being human when inspired by devils to be other than what someone was as born.
I struggled to reach out with my mind and contact Fatima, to beg of her to rid me from living the meaningless lifestyle of a equine male organ.
Yes, I think my becoming as a sensual horse cock as being meaningless, as othere than used to convey from the horse body his liquid wastes, the occasional pleasurable endeavor of sinking into the hot body of a mare is but a few minutes in heaven before returning to a life of vile tasting of hellish, biting urine.
How the devils must be laughing, they guiding me to ask as if becoming a horse penis might be somehow a fun thrill. I had asked to gain as my own penis the genitals of a stallion pony. Gaining then, the sheath, penis, and scrotum of a stallion pony; having a cock capable of filling an equine vagina, and able too of entering a human female. That unwholesome idea might gain some sensual fun, if as well offer a real embarressment when going to see the family doctor.
When hearing a "Yes my previous Master," did the heart of my host horse self jump a beat.
"Fatima, hear me, I wish to wish that third wish now!" I mentally cried out from that dark sheathed as hot and sweaty hell I got myself put down inside.
"Yes my cocky Master, and your third wish is?" She said, as I by then hung erect, my cock body swinging, bumping at the furred belly of my Percheron host.
"I wish to be freed from living as a horsecock, and gain again a whole body, allowing me to breathe, walk, run, play, frolic, and enjoy all of what life has to offer. I want a body, with arms legs, and a head with a face, of me being something whole again." I said, and would have added more when Fatima stopped me.
"Master, if you ask to be as your human self, forget it, as I did merge your human body with the cock body of your horse self, making your cock body as extra dense.
You want a whole body, of this I can derive for you a body without any intelligence, as merge you with it to give you what you ask; is that enough?" Fatima offered, and feeling as victimized, he who had lived as a horse cock for many a year by then, did too quickly agree.
"Good, as give me but a few minutes to regulate part of your dense cock body to merge then with a different body. My first plan was to have you become a female, and gain learning from being wholly different, but in my seeking to merge you, a devil suggested a male form, as it being equal to your orginal sexual desires.
Ready, get set, and now blink," Fatima said, as before when wishing to become a horse cock in the blink of an eye, she did it to me again.
Suddenly I felt as whole, I knew I was a male, as touched the ground with then one, two, three, four, feet?
"What the," I did try to ask only to hear instead come out my open mouth the shrill bleated cry of a goat.
"Maa...," I cried, as Fatima laughed before she informed me I had become by her need as a buck goat. I was all black my furred self, as quite male, with balls as big as Kiwi fruits hung in a furry sack. I had a short tail, long ears, and horns on my forehead.
"I gift you to being a changeling goat, as every sixth year your body fur will change color, as you become a different looking buck goat. This gift of changing will, as continue, allowing you to live for hundreds of years, or until the great returning of Christ in the sky to begin the final judgment.
Know that your genitals are enhanced each time you change breeds, and from that you shall gain your sensual thrills. You are a Pedigree buck Goat, and shall breed daily, with several Does. During spring mating season your numbers of Does shall quadruple and multiply to where for sixteen hours each day your goat cock will be in the act of mating.
Sex is why you shall live and retaining life, being a beastly male goat!"
My epitaph as it was for me, her words of me being "A beastly male Goat," were and would remain my use for living. As I learned the length, girth, and color of a cock means nothing to adding any senitivity it gives its male owner. Years, decades, as maybe centuries of time I would do daily stand humped over and thrusting until ejacualting, inseminating doe after doe, until eternity, and how it will become as boring!
Written by Damn-Fool
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